I would rather have longer school days and no homework because I think it’s better for you to have more time for the teachers to teach so you understand better. Because if they just give you homework and you don’t understand what you are supposed to do then what’s the point in having homework? Another reason is I am always a very forgetful person so sometimes forget to finish or check my homework. So, it would be easier on me to not have homework and I’m sure there are many other people like that too. It also would help teachers to have more time with their students so they can cover more lessons. And that is why I think having longer school days and no homework is better than getting out of school early and having more homework.
Emily Childress, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have a longer day of school and no homework because I am doing track and I would like to practice. The reason why I chose this is because one, I get to spend more time with my friends and then go to track practice. Tomorrow we have our first track meet and if we had to do this today I would be happy because it gives me more school time to learn and focus. I would also do this because it gives my mom and stepdad more time to work on the bard and get it ready for Dusty, my mom’s horse, to come home. I would like for this to happen one day because it would give me more time on school and a better education.
Emma Saxton, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have a longer school day with no homework. I would do this because homework is my least favorite part of school. Most of it is just work I didn’t get finished in class, so if we had longer days I could get all my work finished.
Gabe Holcomb, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have a shorter day and more homework. For example, when someone has to leave early they wouldn’t be missing as much as they would in a longer day. They would still get the lesson and be able to go home with the homework and complete the assignment. But if they had a longer day and went home they would not be able to complete the assignment nor understand the work. So if they could not complete or understand the work and if they move on to the next subject, the student wouldn’t know the skill of end of the year tests.
Gabriel Farley, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

My opinion is have a longer day with no homework. Here’s why. My first reason is I can go home clear and then I can do whatever for the rest of the day. My second reason is that you will not have to remember to turn stuff in so you can’t forget. The reason I didn’t pick have a shorter day with a lot of homework is when you get home and finally get it done it will probably take up as much time as an actual school day. That is my opinion on have a longer day with no homework or have a shorter day with a lot of homework.
Gage Southern, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

So I’d rather get out early and have homework because I hate being at school. Just the thought of being there longer make me feel bad.
Gracie Perry, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have shorter days with more homework because I play so many sports I often get home around 5:30 anyways. So if the school day was longer, I would go home until about 7:00. Plus the homework that comes from the shortened days would be manageable.
Grant Giles, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather get out early and get homework because if you stayed later you couldn’t do anything after you get out because it would get dark. We could not play outside with our dog or if we had homework we would be tired and worn down and we could spend time with our family. Some kids would get tired of school and some kids probably would not come to school over tiredness.
Ian Smith, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have a shorter school day with lots of homework. I am in the school chess club, in band, and on the school robotics team. Which means I spend a lot of time at school. On one school day I spent fifteen hours at my school! Having a shorter school day would let me see my family more and not have to worry about getting sidetracked talking to my friends and instead get work done. For these reasons, I would rather have a shorter school day.
Jack Ragan, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have a longer school day and no homework so I can go outside and play more. I would be outside because I’m not one to stare at a screen for 6 hours. I love to go outside and play with my friends. If I have no homework I would be able to play longer.
Jacob Johnson, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I say get out early and have more homework because within these early hours I could get the homework done. I have a lot of things going on at my house preparing for Dad to come home so I could get that done in those hours I get out of school along with the homework.
Jacob Turpin, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have a longer school day and no homework because it would mean more time at school to learn and practice things and more time at home to do what we want. If we got out early we wouldn’t have time to learn everything so we would be doing homework we don’t know how to do.
James Cross, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Personally, after some thought, I would rather have a longer day with no homework. I would rather have this because really, who likes homework in the first place? But honestly homework takes up so much time. Sometimes it takes 5-6 hours for some people. If you really think about it that’s almost the whole time we’re in school. And plus they can’t keep us in school for 12-13 hours. We could possible go insane or just crazy from all the work. The day would hopefully only be 1-1½ hours longer. Finally all the homework you get in high school can sometimes take up the rest of your day depending on what classes you take. So I much prefer having a longer day with no homework rather than going a shorter day and having more homework.
John Wise, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather get out of school early like we do now because we could have homework but we could get it done and when we get done with homework we would have free time and we wouldn’t have to go to sleep. If you do sports it would not be late when you do them and when it was time to eat it would be really late.
Kailee Gross, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have a longer school day and no homework because if we had a longer school day we could go over more stuff and be ahead. Another reason is we could do all of our homework and not have any. I don’t know what time we would get out but I would say about 5:30 to 6:00 but I am not sure. Plus if we got out earlier and would have more homework, I would not like that.
Kase Newman, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think that is a hard topic. I love my teachers and friends but love the challenges of homework. Homework gives the students and parents a chance to work together. I think I would have to choose to have a longer school day with no homework. Most people would probably say more homework for less hours at school, thinking that school is horrible. School isn’t horrible. Some kids, like my friends and I, have this life plan to go to a fancy college and have tons of pets and live in a cabin/mansion in Australia but still don’t want to go to school. School has to come first. You have to go to school to go to college and fulfill your life plan. And that’s why I chose have a longer school day with no homework.
Katelyn Jones, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have early school days and more homework. This is because if you get home early you have time to get your homework done and do the things you love.
Katelyn McGlothlin, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather want to get out early and have homework. The reason I would want to get out early and have homework is you have time in the day to do homework and still have time left over to do basically whatever you want. I wouldn’t want a longer school day without homework because if you have afterschool activities you will get home really late, eat your food, take a shower, and play on your phone and it would be around 3:00 when you go to bed just to have to get back up in 2 hours and do the same thing again.
Katelynn Cross, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have a longer school day and no homework. I love that idea because they can add extra classes and maybe even new subjects and they could make classes a little longer. Homework is just an annoyance and it can be stressful at times. Homework shouldn’t be a necessity and I am fully supporting this change.
Levi Price, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have longer days and no homework. My reasoning for believing this is this: One way or another the work will get done and you’ll have a teacher to help you. Some people might be furious at a decision like that but then after a while they’ll begin to come to the reality that this, if it was to ever happen, would be a great schedule change. They would most indubitably give us a little snack such as Snack Packs, Cheez-Its, etc. and I want to let out before it gets dark so kids may have the privilege of riding bikes. Those are my thoughts.
Luke Dickerson, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather get out of school early and have more homework. I would rather have homework because some things that I need help with or need more practice with I can do at home. That way when I get home I can get everything I need to get done on time. I would also have more homework because it’s practice and would help more to understand the concept.
Luz Orozco, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have a longer school day because if you play sports after school then you’re getting exercise. For example, if it was raining outside you might be inside watching your phone even if it was sunny outside. Also, if you have after-school chorus practice for a play, then it could help you remember it while you’re practicing. Another reason why I picked this option is because if you have homework but you get out of practice late you will just be up even later trying to get your homework done.
Madyson Doss, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather go to school longer and have no homework because if we’re at school almost all day, when we go home we have more time to do whatever we want to do. Say we got home at five-thirty instead of three-thirty. We would hang out with our friends longer. Then when I go home I can play my PS4 or Xbox One. So I pick go to school longer and no homework!
Mark Shaffer, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather get out of school early with more homework instead of staying at school longer with no homework. This is because the homework often takes less time than it would at school. So then we would have more time to do extracurricular activities, which often are harder to get to because of the long school day. I know from my own experience that you can miss out on many opportunities for your activity because we are stuck at school for so long. This problem would be resolved if we had shorter school days. It would be awesome if we could have shorter school days with more homework.
Mia King, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather get out early and have more homework. Yes, I would want more homework because if you have a bedtime and you’re at school doing homework while you have after-school activities you’re going to be tired. But if you have more homework you won’t be tired. When you go home the first thing I would do is homework so I wouldn’t be doing it at 1:00 in the morning. If you have difficulties with your work, email, call, or even ask your parents to help. Homework is very important because if you do homework or any type of work, it helps your brain focus and strengthens your brain.
Ocianna Church, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I’d rather stay in school longer without homework because this will give less to worry about. Even though I would get home at like, 4 or 4:30, this would also give me time to help my dad and not worry about homework. I also could have free time like playing on my PlayStation or Xbox or just play outside and not ever have to worry about homework. Another reason is because I just don’t like the feeling of turning stuff in. I just get really nervous.
Quinton Chapman, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather get out early and have more homework because I’m exhausted when I get home. When I get home now I’m so tired. If we had longer school days just imagine how tired kids would be. So, I’d rather have shorter days. Besides, I always do my homework when I get home so that I can do regular things like play video games. If we had a longer day we could get things accomplished, more things like about 1-2 lessons accomplished. We would also have free time, but I’m going to stick to shorter days.
Ruby Sampson, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have a longer school day and no homework so that if we needed help on our work we could ask questions and we would have more time in class so that teachers don’t have to rush through a lesson and get everyone confused.
Ryleigh Bays, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have a longer school day with no homework than a shorter day with more homework. I have made this decision because being at school more means you can get help from the teachers and actually learn how to do the work rather than sitting there at home having no clue how to do the homework. I have learned from experience that sometimes it’s just better to have a longer school day and know what you’re doing than not having a clue what to do. While some would argue, “Just pay attention,” it would be certainly hard to pay attention if the school day was so small and condensed.
Sarah Trivett, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have a longer school day and no homework because if you get out early and have more homework school would end but not the learning. If you have a longer school day and no homework you can go home and play outside, on your phone, or play video games. Plus if you have a longer school day you get to see and talk to your friends more.
Savannah Peaks, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather get out early and have more homework. I think this because when I’m at home or even in my old school, I got more done in less time when I was listening to music. When I do homework I also get most of my answers right and make a better grade. This is why I would rather get out early and have more homework—because it’s more fun!
Serenity Callaghan, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have a longer school day with no homework because then when I get home I can have some free time to do whatever I feel like doing. If we had a shorter day with a lot of homework, then I would be up all night doing it. Also, if I stay longer at school I can get more help with my work and not sit at home and not know what to do.
Sofia Rosberg, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Personally I would say get out early and have homework due. If we got out early we could do homework and once we finished we could go outside. If we could get out early we would have family time to bond. We wouldn’t worry about having a lot of homework to finish alt at night while eating dinner or getting ready to go to bed. Getting out early could help us go to bed earlier.
Trent Gillum, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would like to have a shorter day and more homework because if you focus in school you don’t need the extra hours for more undeserved work. To add, in the winter months we would have more time to play outside. It’s been 60°F in winter months—anything is possible.
Trevor Chapman, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have longer school and no homework so when I go home I can take a nap then eat. So now I can go home with no homework.
Zander Nelson, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have an early school day with more homework because homework helps you study your lesson that you’re working on. Also it gives an opportunity for parents to help their kids. Plus you can at least spend time with family while you’re doing your homework. If you had a longer day at school you’re guaranteed to stay until the end unless you skip some classes or leave early, but if you get out early you would probably have time to get some homework done during classes or after you’re finished with that subject’s work so you’re not guaranteed homework every night.
Zoey Emmert, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I would rather have no homework and get out of school later. If we do that I could have more free time and many other students would have a lot better grades. And if classes are longer the teachers would be able to get more of their curriculum finished so it is a win for both halves of the school.
Zoey Weaver, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor