Holston Valley Middle

Animals do have thoughts but they don’t have thoughts like people do. The things that some dos think when it comes to food is, “Hurry up and feed me.” other dogs think, “I’m not hungry. Put it away.” When it comes to water, with some dogs they’re like, “Give me that water.” Others are like, “I’ll drink a little bit and you can pour the rest out.”
Aaron Robertstad, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think that animals do somewhat think like people. They think like us when they are hungry. They beg for thinks like they are kids. They also take naps and sleep through the night. So that is what I think.
Aaryanna Cross, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I do believe animals have thoughts like humans, just not as advanced. There are incredibly smart animals like dolphins, dogs, and monkeys. Without being able to think, they would not survive as long as they do. Anyways animals, to me, seem like they have four basic thoughts. These are mainly for pets. It seems that they think, “When is my next meal? What time should I take my nap? When will my owner get home? and What time can I play?” besides this, animals show great emotion every day. They would have to think this through before emitting emotions. In the end, animals have thoughts and emotions and we love them because of that.
Alex Hamilton, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Yes, I think animals have thoughts like people do. The reason I think they do is because cats and dogs beg, which mean either I’m hungry or for a dog, I need to use the bathroom. They might be saying I want a bite or take me on a walk. When you’re walking and they’re right there beside you or getting under your feet, you could step on their tail and then the bark or meow shows you they’re hurt or someone there or anything.
Alexus Stuart, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

There have been many opinions over the years, even centuries, about dogs. Such as, they can see color! Or, is my dog talking back? But there’s nothing more extraordinary that a dog’s thoughts. Can they talk or not? Many of the earth’s population believe they can, whether they’re thinking in their mind or barking back with attitude. I agree with them. Dogs probably think things like, “Is she going to feed me?!” sometimes, my dog’s reactions and look have me questioning things…
Anna Campbell, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think every living organism has thoughts. We’re animals and we have thoughts. I don’t know what animals think. I don’t even know what people think. All I know is that animals have thoughts. That’s the reason I think animals have thoughts.
Anthony Harley, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Honestly I don’t think they do because animals are smart. Like, we are too but then I think humans and animals think differently than others because we all aren’t going to have the same thoughts as others do. I don’t think humans and animals have the same thoughts because some animals think about eating people and attacking people but people don’t think about eating other people so people and animals do not think alike.
April Odum, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Having a dog and a goat helps you experience their human-like behaviors. Scientists have seen that dogs are thinking about running, going to get a treat, or just plain thinking how to get out of that stupid kennel. Every animal can have the thoughts like us humans even if it concludes them of feeling happy, sad, angry, hurt, or really anything. As you know your brain is the running of every action, move, and thought. Your brain is like a huge office where every cabinet is filled with knowledge, food references, actions, sounds, and funny thoughts. They might not be as intelligent as us but they still have feelings.
Berkley Helbert, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think animals have thoughts because some animals are not the smartest but all the other animals are kind of smart. So doing some of the things that animals do includes a thought process. For example, when a cat is trying to catch a mouse the cat will have to think of ways to stop the mouse. I think animals are like kids and sometimes they learn how to open a door, for example. I think for instance dogs have simple thoughts.
Billy Parker, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

No. Animals don’t have thoughts. They’re just animals after all and from what I’ve seen, they don’t even feel pain. You may think your pets love you but they come to you because you give them food.
Blake Hayes, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Animals do have thoughts like humans because they can think just like us. Animals also have feeling like humans and they have many thoughts. Animals are probably thinking about how they should attack their prey, what is the best prey to eat, is their baby okay, and etc. animals might not have the same thoughts as us, but they do think. They have brains for a reason and that reason is to be able to think. Animals are alike to humans, but they are a different organism. Animals should be treated differently because people think they don’t feel or think things.
Briana Combs, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Yes, I think animals have thoughts and for good reasons too. Most animals get excited when you come home from school, work, or basically anywhere for a while. From personal experiences, my dog, cat, and rabbit get excited when we come home. My other cat gets excited because now we can feed her. Some animals know when they’re in trouble. Like for instance, my dog’s tail goes between her legs and she starts shaking. There are tons of ways to tell what they’re thinking. If they are shaking, it means they are cold or know they’re in trouble. If they start jumping, it means that they are happy or want to play.
Caleb Smithson, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think that animals do have thoughts because how would they be able to choose what they want to eat or which food they like more or what food they hate. For example, I have two dogs and when they know it’s time to eat or play they get happy. So if animals don’t have thoughts, how would they get happy when you tell them it’s time to eat or play?
Chelsea Woods, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Yes, animals do have thoughts and feeling like people do because when you are mean to animals they get sad and scared just like when someone is yelling at you. Do you get sad and scared? They think the same as us so don’t be mean or abuse animals because they have feelings and thoughts too.
Chloe Wise, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I don’t have an exact answer to the question. I don’t exactly believe they have thoughts but I do believe they have feelings. This might tie them together because to feel an emotion, such as excitement to see an owner, they must think of the good times they had before with that person.
Clay Sherfey, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Yes, I think animals have thoughts like people do. They have a brain. I think my dog Maddie thinks about licking people. She is like, “I got to lick someone.” My mom’s dog Bella is probably like, “Food, food, food!” she has that look when it’s food time. If you do not listen she’ll go around the house and bark. So, yes. I do think animals have thoughts too.
Clayton Carr, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Yes, I think animals have thoughts like people do. Say that you have had a good day and if animals know they had a good day, they will be happy. Say that animals have gotten hurt and are in pain. They will think about getting better like we do when we get hurt. When animals get treated badly and meanly they are thinking about getting revenge on the people.
Dakota Carrier, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Yes. I think animals have thoughts like people do. Animals do a lot of things and without thought, it wouldn’t be possible. They probably think to themselves and are like, “Should I eat right now or not?” my dog will sometimes get a bone and usually he will eat it or dig a hole and keep it there. He clearly decides which he wants to do. They also know what we’re saying because my mom said, “Bad dog,” and he went into his dog house. I hope you enjoyed.
Dalton Gorley, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think animals have some thoughts like humans. I think they think about how to get food and where and how they are going to store it for winter. I also think they think about their homes. They have dreams or nightmares just like we do. They also have a great time thinking about sleeping and just like people, they love to sleep.
Emily Childress, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Yes, I think animals have thoughts like us because they are part of God’s creation. I think they think like us because some animals think like we do. Like an orangutan, gorilla, and a dolphin, etc. Most animals’ brains function like ours do so they may think what we do, but a little differently. I hope you enjoyed!
Emma Saxton, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I do believe animals think. I think this because one time we caught our dog watching Animal Planet. I also believe they think about basic choices like where to lie. I think they plan ahead too. But really it comes down to what breed they are, the species, and their ancestors.
Gabe Holcomb, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I do think they have thoughts like people do. Here’s why. I think they have thoughts like us, just different and smaller. I think they are like children and don’t have big thoughts. Also I think they think like other things, just not the same.
Gage Southern, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Yes, some animals are smart so they could think like us. Monkeys are smart and could think about how the day is going to go. Dogs can think about their owner like how we think about them, but not all of them could think like us. Take a cow for instance. All they think about is food. Jellyfish just swim. So yeah, they can and they can’t.
Gavin Roberts, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Yes, I believe animals have their own thoughts and emotions. They often have the same emotions as humans. Even though we’re of a different species, in the end we’re all just animals. We’re just animals that think and feel emotions.
Grant Giles, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think animals have thoughts. I have a Jack Russell terrier named Kobe, and when I come home from school his ears stand up. When his ears stand up, his tail wags and he runs for me, licking my stress away. When I come home, my dog is thinking how happy he is to see me.
Jack Ragan, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Yes, I do think that animals have thoughts because when I go home my dog jumps on me and licks me, but when it’s time to eat my dog barks and barks. So I do think that animals have thoughts.
Jacob Johnson, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think animals have thoughts because they do things that they are told, or that’s all they know what to do. For example, my dog does what she wants. Like for instance, when I say, “treat time” or even reach for the bag she is over there in an instant blink of an eye. And when I tell her to do a trick she does it for the treat, and when she hears the bag’s sound, it’s on.
Jacob Turpin, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

After some thought, I believe animals have thoughts like us humans. I believe this because if they didn’t know, how would things like birds migrate at the same time or how would they hunt? They must always have a plan. I think they’re thinking of what they might eat next or what they may do next. I also believe they show emotion, like how you may see a dog cry if it loses a friend. All this contributes to thought because they must think of what they feel. If they had no thoughts, they would have no care in the world. They must think. It’s not all natural instinct or just a set program like a robot. Finally, all animals must think to survive and live healthy lives.
John Wise, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

No, I do not think animals have the capability of thought. Thinking and learning are two different things. For instance, if a dog were to chase a bee and then get stung, his or her instinct would tell them not to chase a bee again. This is not thinking. This is instinctive learning. When we are born, we obtain knowledge, but there are some things we just know. Like when you are born you know not to kill. This is much different for animals. They are not thinkers, they are built on survival instinct. Think of a routine or habit, you don’t think you just do.
Kaden Ward, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Yes because animals, I think, wonder what is going on. Like dogs. They bark when something is going on or think there is something happening. Dogs do whine sometimes if they are scared just like people get scared. Maybe they wonder when they are going to eat because they are hungry.
Kailee Gross, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

No, I don’t think that animals have thoughts like people do because animals such as a wolf can’t think of what parts go on a truck. Another reason is because they don’t talk like humans do and that would be weird if they did. Then it would be cool but creepy at the same time. We humans have thoughts of how to fix an alternator on a car. I don’t know how but that’s beside the point. And let’s say that you went deer hunting. Would you not be freaked out if the deer or any animal for that matter looked at you and said, “Hey, don’t shoot me.”
Kase Newman, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I personally do believe that animals have people (or human) thoughts. In 1916 an elephant named Mary was killed for murdering a man riding her, named Red Eldridge. Sometimes we really want food and we will do anything for it. Well, Mary wandered off after seeing a watermelon. Eldridge smacked her. The smack was so hard that it dug into her flesh. She felt hurt (pain) and defended herself, killing Eldridge. Later on she was told to be hung by a crane holding her neck with a chain. The chain broke and she fell five feet, breaking a hip. One of her elephant friends heard her pain-filled cry and escaped to see her one last time. Animals are hurt all the time and that is just one example.
Katelyn Jones, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think that animals do think like humans even though animals are a lot more intelligent than us. Animals probably think about why humans act so strangely, asking questions like why we only walk on two feet, swim without breathing, or don’t crawl around everywhere.
Katelyn McGlothlin, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Yes, I think animals have thoughts because when they need food or water they whine and bark. I think they know more stuff than we think. They are smart because they can do a lot of things like hunt other animals and swim. We have to learn how to swim and they already know how.
Katelynn Cross, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I do think that animals think and have thoughts. Obviously animals can’t understand exactly what we’re saying, but they learn by what you express with what action they’re doing. I think that animals think about stuff they do or are excited about and if they should do it or not. I also think that animals think to themselves and talk to themselves in their heads like we, including me, do.
Levi Price, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think animals most certainly think like people. They can be trained for certain things, like a guide dog. Dogs have to be trained to be able to be a guide dog. In my opinion I think any animal can think like people because they have to know how to catch food, they have to care for one another, and they have emotions like humans. For example, you can teach your dog how to have manners, protect you from a bad person, and they can also be your best friend.
Luz Orozco, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor