Jonesville Middle

I think animals have thoughts like people do. I think animals think humans are insane and crazy. Dogs might think about bones and rolling in mud. Cats may think about climbing curtains and being chased by dogs. Animals like tigers and lions and alligators all think about eating meat. I think animals have thoughts like humans because they show emotions and they can learn tricks so they have to have thoughts. Animals are an amazing species.
Adriane Moore, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I think animals have thoughts. If they didn’t have thoughts, then how would they learn tricks? They probably have to have thoughts to learn tricks and do other stuff like learning where their new food bowl is placed. If someone teaches their animal or a pet a trick, like shaking their paw, the owner would say ¨Paw¨ or just say nothing and put out their hand. The animal by then should know that means to put their paw on their owner’s hand and put their paw on their hand or not. Some animals refuse to learn tricks, a sign of thinking. Animals’ food, for example, they need to know where that is. They can’t just starve, they’d have to memorize where it is, which shouldn’t be hard. If the animal has to do a trick for a treat, they’d have to know how to do the trick, by thinking of it. They’d also have to know that they’re going to get the treat afterwards. They need to know how to play with other cats too, which they can learn from other cats or their owners, which would require thinking.

Ashlee Clasby, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

Do you think animals have the same thoughts as people do? I think animals do have the same thoughts? But not all the time. I’d say they think about if they are in danger or is someone or something going to kill them or injury them. They could think if they see something they could try to attack it. They could think if something is going to attack them so they would keep a look out so nothing can attack them or injury them.
Aubrey Malle, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

Yes, I think animals have thoughts like humans do. Animals have to think ” I am hungry” so they go get food. If they didn’t go get food they would die. They also might think it is hot or cold outside, or they could also might think this person or thing is hurting me. A lot of people might think opposite because they are just animals. Just because they are animals does not mean they can’t have thoughts like humans.
Bailie Hughes, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I think animals do have thoughts because how do they know if they are getting a treat? If I am fixing to give them a treat might tease them. Dogs can maybe think what we are thinking to but I don´t know. If dogs had no thoughts then how do they get back home they will have to remember the place that dogs lived in. Also if people think that dogs have no thoughts then that is what they think. One more thing how do they recognize there owner´s when they got old.
Brandon West, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I do not think animals have thoughts like people because they would have nothing to think about. They do not think before they do stuff. Dogs for example, if they saw a bone they would go get it not knowing where it has been and not thinking about it. Even if they did have thoughts like a human they probably would not have many. Animals could have thoughts but I do not think they are like humans.
Braylen Pendergraft, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I do not think animals have thoughts like humans. Their brains are different than human´s brains so, I don’t think that their brains apply those thoughts like humans have. I think animals’ eyesight is a little darker than humans so I think animals just react. Some react to movement, some react to smell, and some react to hearing. Some people can obviously tell animals are not smart. Look at dogs and cats for example: Dogs all they know how to do is bark. They could be barking at a wall for no reason. Cats all they know how to do is eat and meow. Some cats meow for no reason. If they have food and milk or water why are they meowing? If animals had thoughts and brains like humans do I think that this world would be a lot more successful.
Brycen Coomer, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I think animals do think about things but not intelligent things. I think they think about food. They may also think like humans and wonder are they friendly or not. I wonder if animals think what they’re going to feed their family to eat.
Chandler Skaggs, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I think that animals do have thoughts like humans do. I think that dogs have thoughts, because when you get ready to feed them they bark, I think that they are probably saying feed me feed me, and when you go outside and play with your dogs they bark at each other and then they play. They are probably saying come get me come get me, and in the afternoon when you leave and go inside they look sad at you and start whining. They are probably saying don´t leave please don´t leave. This is why I think animals have thoughts and why, because humans think the same way when your sad you think just what dogs do, and when I´m outside and my brother comes inside I´m sad, and in the evening when you go to bed and you feel sad when your mom and dad leaves and goes to their own bedroom.
Charisa Moore, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I do not think animals have thoughts like humans because they are smaller and do not have as big of a brain. Another reason is that animals do not go to school so they cannot think words like we do. What I think animals thoughts are like is that they can tell what is safe and what is dangerous. That is why I think animals think like they do and don’t think like humans.
Chase Pearce, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

To me, I’m not sure what there thinking but, it’s maybe about family or staying alive but, only one animal needs to watch out in winter. So, in winter animals like bears or wolves can defend themselves. But, deer can’t so, watch out deer because those hunters are coming. But, anyway I believe that animals have the same thoughts as people.
Chase Weston, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I think animals have thoughts like people do. I think wild animals are thinking of getting food for their families. I think pets are thinking of waiting for their owner to give them food and water. Or they are thinking of running away from hunters.
Cheyenne Helbert, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I think my puppy Bella has thoughts like me. I think she likes to cuddle like I do. When she wants to cuddle she lays on my lap she also jumps on the couch. When I come home sometimes she jumps so I think she misses me so much and I missed her too. I also think she likes to play with me. Bella is a wonderful puppy to me, the best puppy in the universe. I love my little puppy Bella.
Chloey Parks, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I think animals could possibly have the same thoughts as people. They might be thinking of something that happened in the past. Animals may be thinking of something they want. Dogs maybe thinking of a bone, cats may be thinking of fish. I think it really depends on the animal based on what they are thinking. My guess is they can think like people.
Claira Cox, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I think they do have thoughts. Like a dog or a cat they are probably saying let me in or let me outside. I think they have a big imagination. I think cows are idiots and my dad thinks they are to and I also think some don´t have thoughts and some have thoughts.
Collyn Neff, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I think animals have thoughts. I think they think like I’ m hungry or I’ m thirsty. When dogs are whining at you when you are doing something they probably want you to play with them. When they scratch on the door that probably means they need to use the bathroom. When dogs hear other dogs barking they think are a danger to them. That is why I think animals have thoughts.
Elijah Stafford, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I do think animals do think humans do. I think they are sometimes thinking I want food, I love my family, I am tired. I think sometimes they think like me but not all the time maybe they are thinking I like them I want them to pet me. I don’ know what they are thinking but maybe they think like us.
Glocklyn Morris, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I do not think animals have thoughts like people do. Most animals are not smart enough to have thoughts. Some animals are smart enough to have thoughts but it is impossible.
Gunner Nelms, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

Do you think animal have thoughts I don’t think that animals have thoughts likes us because we are human and they are not. They can have thoughts but different from us but I could be wrong. I don’t think do have thoughts but I could be wrong. So I think that they don’t have thoughts like us but again I could be wrong.
Hannah Cowan, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

Do you think that animals think like us? Well I think they do because they have feelings like us if you tell them to do something they’ll do it like they’re us. Like you can tell them to sit. So if you pet my dog she well love you forever and she will not let you stop. So I have two dogs and this one is so hyper but sometimes she well lay down for you to pet her she is a good dog. So I really like dogs but not big dogs because they well knock me over.
Hiram Head, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I think that animals have thoughts like people. I think they have thoughts because if you tell an animal to do something they do it or they don´t. Also if a dog, cat, or other animal loves you or something they think they love you or something. So I think animals have thoughts mainly because I like animals a lot. I also think they think about what is happening around them.
Jace Keene, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I do think dogs have thoughts because they have a brain. I think everything that has a brain has thoughts and thinks about stuff. Even cows do because we went to pick up cows from the slaughterhouse and they got in the trailer fast. They were probably thinking they would not die if they got in the trailer.
Jacob Snodgrass, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

Yes I do think animals have thoughts like people do. Sometimes when my dog barks I think he’s saying feed me I’m hungry. So I go feed him. Or maybe he might be saying I need to use the bathroom take me out. He might even be saying I love my family so much. If animals could talk I would love to hear what they’re saying.
Jaycee Parks, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

What I think animals think about or do that do not think like us. What thoughts I think animals have. I think animals have thoughts like us. I think animals thoughts are about how they live. Take wolves for example they feed the cubs first. Wolves also have hunting strategies they learned. This is some thoughts I think animals have.
Jayme Livesay, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I think animals have thoughts just like human kind. Why? Animals can communicate just like humans. Just because we don’t understand them don’t mean they don’t have thoughts. Animals can understand each other just like we do. If you have a pet it thinks and watches the stuff you do and how you do it. Animals think and search for food, water, and shelter just like we do. Animals think like human kind and understand each other like we do.
Johnna Bledsoe, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

Did you ever think animals have thoughts like people do? In my opinion, I think animals have thoughts. Why? Well, one time when I was with my cat, when I sit down somewhere, my cat will come up to me and sit on my lap. He did this every day when I go outside. Sadly my cat Paws past away and I think he was 15 at that time. It’s sad.
Joseph Horner, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

Do you think animals have thoughts? I do, I think animals have thoughts just like humans. Like a fox when it sees food he might think, “I wonder if I can pounce at that food?” I think animals have a lot of thoughts and think just like humans.
Julia Britton, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I do think that a lot of animals have thoughts. I think that my dog thinks about food. My other dog might think of being a guard dog but she is small and sometimes scared. Her name Tosha she like to bark at people. My other dog is named Duce he likes to lick people. I think that other animals think of humans.
Justin Franklin, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I think animals think like people do. One reason is we all get hungry am I right? Well animals have to focus on what they are going to eat. Also when they get hungry they are most likely going to think about what they are going to eat. I think animals do have feelings and have very important thoughts.
Justina Lowder, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I think animals do think like me. I think that animals can think about people. Animals really like food so much, they probably think about it a lot. People like animals but animals sometimes probably think they may be food too. People will probably be scared of animals or animals may be scared of people. I think that animals should be scared of other animals. I think that’s what animals think like.
Katelynn Taylor, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin

I think that animals do have the same thoughts as people. They could think about so many different things that we think about, but in an animal way. Maybe they would think about treats, toys, and of course playing. Sometimes they may think about their surroundings and what is going on. Maybe about if there owner is there owner if they own their owners. They could think of so many things just like people do!
Kylah Parsons, 5th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Austin