What is your favorite part of Halloween? My favorite part of Halloween is trick-or-treating. One reason is you get to spend time with friends and family. Also, you get lots of candy. Another great part is the different types of candies, like Dots, Twix, Snickers, Skittles, and many more. That is why I like Halloween.
Zac Gibson, 6th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

What is your favorite part of Halloween and why? Mine is dressing up in fun costumes. I like doing this because you can get creative with dressing up. Creativity is a huge part of Halloween because without it, everything would be boring. I love going out into the neighborhood and seeing all of the pretty costumes! This is my favorite part of Halloween.
Addison Miller, 6th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

My favorite part of Halloween is going around the neighborhood to get a bunch of candy.
Harrison Crawford, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up in costumes.
Brimberly Fleenor, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up in my Halloween costume.
Mason Cole, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part of Halloween is eating candy.
Bentley Trivette, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part of Halloween is when we get to have candy and dress up as anything we want.
Abigail Barker, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part of Halloween is trick or treating.
Emmy Horton, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part of Halloween is the costumes.
Avery Vineyard, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part of Halloween is when we get candy.
Brandon Stapleton, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part of Halloween is when we get to go trick or treating and get candy all day long.
Abi McMurray, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part of Halloween when we get candy.
Brooke Raby, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part of Halloween is when we get candy.
Isaiah Fields, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part Halloween is trick or treating.
Abbigail Scalf, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part of Halloween is trick or treating.
Trey Dooley, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up.
Lily Brewington, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part of Halloween is going trick or treating.
Amelia Arrington, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part of Halloween is when we walk around to get candy.
Britt Davenport, Kindergarten, Hilton Elementary, Ms. Howe

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up.  I am going to dress up as Dracula.  I like dressing up to scare people.  The scariest costume I have worn is a scarecrow.
Trevor Light, 1st, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Light

My favorite part of Halloween is getting candy.  I like candy.  I like to go from house to house and knock on doors.  I can’t wait to fill my bucket up.   The scariest costume for Halloween is the werewolf.
Bryson Hughes, 1st, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Light

I love Halloween!  My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up in costumes.  We get to trick-or-treat from house to house.
Cole Amburgey, 1st, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Light

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up in costumes.  I am going to be a cheerleader this year.  I am going trick-or-treating at my dad’s work.
Rhiley Ball, 1st, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Light

My favorite part of Halloween is giving out candy.  I get to see what other costumes are like.
Hunter Salyer, 1st, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Light

I love Halloween!  My favorite part of Halloween is going trick-or-treating.  I like Halloween because we get to dress up and scare people.  I think the scariest thing about Halloween is seeing creepy clowns.
McKenna Bentley, 1st, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Light

My favorite part of Halloween is going to lots of houses and seeing scary people.  The scariest costume is the vampire.  They have pointy teeth.  I love Halloween!  I like to dress up to scare people.  I like getting candy.
Nevaeh Lane, 1st, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Light

I love Halloween and trick-or-treating.  I trick-or-treat at my daddy’s work.  I go office to office.  The best part is eating candy.
Alex Hensley, 1st, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Light

My favorite part of Halloween is candy.  I love Halloween! I go trick-or-treating from house to house.  I fill my bag with candy.  I go to my neighbor for candy.  We visit all four neighbors for Halloween.
James Osborne, 1st, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Light

I love Halloween because we go trick-or-treating.  My favorite part of trick-or-treating is getting candy.  I like to ring the doorbell.  I like seeing people dressed up.
Kayllen Lane, 1st, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Light

I love Halloween!  My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up and scaring people.  I like getting candy.  On Halloween we go from house to house to trick-or-treat.
Mary Bear, 1st, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Light

I love Halloween!  My favorite part is trick-or-treating.  I enjoy the candy.  My favorite is Kit Kats.  I like seeing different costumes.  I am going to be Moana this year.
Madalynne Watts, 1st, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Light

My favorite part of Halloween is trick-or-treating.  I enjoy the candy that we get.  We go to a lot of houses.
Joseph Solomon, 1st, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Light

My favorite part of Halloween is trick-or-treating.  I love Halloween! I like to knock on my neighbors doors.  We get lots of candy.  My bucket is always full of candy.
Reese Stallard, 1st, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Light

My favorite part of Halloween is getting my favorite kind of candy, Jolly Ranchers. They are very good. They have a sour taste to them. That’s why I like them. My favorite kind is the watermelon. The color is red. The other candy is Milky Way candy bars. Milky Ways have caramel in them. They are good. This is the reason I like Halloween.
Hayden Rhoton, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up. I like seeing all the costumes. I see them at the store or at Party City. I would like to buy all the costumes, but I can’t. This Halloween, I might dye my hair blue for my Halloween costume. They don’t sell them all year, only on Halloween. I like dressing up in a lot of costumes because it is fun to dress up.

Braylie Chaffin, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

My favorite part of Halloween is going trick-or-treating. I like trick-or-treating because you can get candy. I like it because you go to people’s houses. My favorite thing about it is dressing up in costumes. Trick-or-treating is awesome! That’s what I like about Halloween.
Cole Jones, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

My favorite part of Halloween is pranking people. Pranking people is the best because they could give you free candy. Pranking people is cool because you can scare people to death. Pranking people is awesome because you can dress up as a killer clown. The people would be so scared. The best part about pranking people is throwing toilet paper over people’s houses. I bet that would be fun!
Sawyer Barnette, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

My favorite part of Halloween is watching scary movies. I get to watch so many horror movies. When it is Halloween, I watch “Chucky” on my tablet. I watch the scariest movies of all time. They make me get scared. I get to have popcorn when I watch the movies. I love scary movies. They are my favorite.
Cash Jones, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

My favorite part of Halloween is getting to decorate my house. I like to decorate my house by myself, but it is more fun to do it with my mom. It is fun to decorate the house because my mom and dad get scary skeletons, pumpkins, and sometimes even ghosts. My favorite decoration is the skeleton that glows in the dark. My mom puts it up every year on Halloween. This is why my favorite part of Halloween is decorating my home.
Elizabeth Jennings, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

My favorite part of Halloween is pulling pranks. I like to write fake notes that say scary things. Once I wrote something so scary just because I made the exact same thing happen. Once I made fake slime out of shaving cream and put it in a bucket and poured it on someone. Once I dressed up as the grim reaper and haunted the houses one by one. These are the reasons I like Halloween.
Connor Ratliff, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

My favorite part of Halloween is trick-or-treating. I like to go from house to house because I get about 95 pieces of candy. I like this because I go to 100 houses because everyone is nice to you. I like this because it is fun and your family can go. They come with you.
Seth Barbee, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

My favorite part of Halloween is trick-or-treating because we get to dress up, get candy, and stay up all night. We get to dress up because we get to wear scary costumes. We get candy because we go trick-or-treating in Weber City. We stay up all night because we watch Halloween movies all night. Halloween is fun because of these things.
Cayden Harper, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

My favorite part about Halloween is trick-or-treating. Trick-or-treating is cool because I dress up and decorate the house. I like to dress up because this year I’m going to be Waldo. It’s fun to decorate the house because this year I’m going to toilet paper the house. This is why trick-or-treating is fun.
Max Taylor, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up. I love Halloween because I can dress up as anything in the world. Your costume could glow in the dark. My friends and I could be monsters, animals, or superheroes. I just love Halloween so much. My family loves Halloween too. Kids love it too. Halloween is the best! I love Halloween. It is fun, cool, awesome, and amazing!
Cadence Scott, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

My favorite part of Halloween is going trick-or-treating. I like trick-or-treating because it’s the only time you can get free candy. I like to get dressed up as a Five Nights at Freddy character. Also, you can eat all the candy you want. That is why trick-or-treating is my favorite part of Halloween.
Lyfe, McNew, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

My favorite part of Halloween is trick-or-treating. I love to trick-or-treat because we get to wear costumes. We also get a lot of candy. I usually eat it when I am trick-or-treating. It is so much fun to trick-or-treat. This is my favorite part of Halloween.
Joseph Arrington, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Rhoton

My favorite part of Halloween is trick-or-treating. When I go trick-or-treating I get to dress up in my costume. I also like to carve pumpkins and look at neat designs when I am trick-or-treating. This is my favorite thing about Halloween.
Thomas Dooley, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Rhoton

I like to trick-or-treat because you get lots of candy for free. I like to trade candy with my friends. I also like the costumes. This year I am going to be a zombie ballerina. Trick-or-treating is the best part of Halloween.
Emma Belmonte, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Rhoton

My favorite part of Halloween is trick-or-treating. I love trick-or-treating because you get candy for free. I love trick-or-treating because you can eat candy for months after Halloween. It is so much fun to go around the street from house to house. This is my favorite part of Halloween.
Cole Diets, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Rhoton

My favorite part of Halloween is trick-or-treating. I love trick-or-treating with my friend. I love doing it with my dog. She likes it too. I also like to carve pumpkins and get costumes. It is so much fun to go trick-or-treating in my costume. This is my favorite part of Halloween.
Sarah McClellan, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Rhoton

My favorite part of Halloween is riding the hay ride in Gate City. Sometimes on the hay ride I meet new friends and I get to show off my costume. I like how sometimes I see cool costumes. I can pick out a costume in case I may want it for next year. On the hayride we always bring snacks in case I get hungry. This is my favorite part of Halloween.
Ella, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Rhoton

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up. I love to dress up as a ninja because I like the ninja costume. I also love to get candy because it is free. It is so much fun to dress up and walk house to house. This is my favorite part of Halloween.
Rion Gonzalez, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Rhoton

My favorite thing about Halloween is trick-or-treating. I like dressing up like Gilligan off of Gilligan’s Island. I love to get lots of candy. This is my favorite thing about Halloween.
Billy Balthis, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Rhoton

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up. We get to dress up as our favorite characters from TV shows. I am going to be Thing 1 for Halloween this year. I get to show my friends my costume. My other favorite is looking at what other people wear. This is my favorite part of Halloween.
Josie, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Rhoton

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up. It is fun!
Wyatt Hall, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

My favorite part of Halloween is trick or treating. You get candy even though it is scary in the dark. I am scared of the dark! It is cool to dress up.
Brady Quillen, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

My favorite part of Halloween is trick or treating. I like to eat candy!
Braylon Kilgore, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

My favorite part of Halloween is when we walk to get candy. Walking is exercising!
Amiya Delano, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

My favorite part of Halloween is seeing all the spooky, scary trick-or-treaters! Some are cute though!
Chloe Davis, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

My favorite part of Halloween is getting candy. I love getting chocolate.
Aubrey Langrel, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

My favorite part of Halloween is when the leaves change colors. It is so cool to see all the colors. I love fall time.
Danica Ford, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up. It is fun to dress up. I am going to be a farmer for Halloween.
Avery White, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

My favorite part of Halloween is getting candy. In my opinion, it is the best part.
Isabela Reina, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

My favorite part of Halloween is going trick or treating. I get to spend time with my family.
Adrian Smith, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up. My mom, my dad, and I will be matching outfits. We are dressing as zombie school girls and a zombie school boy.
Rylie Blackwell, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up. I like to dress up for Halloween. I am going to dress up as a killer clown.
Christopher Cordle, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

My favorite part of Halloween is trick or treating. We get candy. I am either going to dress up as a ghost, Transformer, or a cowboy.
Sebastain Burchfield, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer