My favorite thing to do on Halloween is to scare people. I like doing it because it is funny to watch them jump. And they get mad and try to scare you after you scared them. And then they scare me the next year. I like to be scared because it’s fun.
Dylan McCurry, 5th, Elydale Elementary, Mr. DiVirgilio

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up as a zombie or something. I also like getting candies. And scaring people. I like carving pumpkins too. And then late at night I like watching scary movies.
Austin Golden, 5th, Elydale Elementary, Mr. DiVirgilio

My favorite part of Halloween is when my mom gets decorations up for Halloween and when we get our Halloween costumes on and go trick or treating. I love to Halloween, it’s my second favorite holiday!
Kenzie Marsee, 5th, Elydale Elementary, Mr. DiVirgilio

My favorite thing about Halloween is the candy and trick or treating.  I also like the fall time. I really like the decorations. I also like when I carve pumpkins. I really like the haunted houses.
Matthew Jackson, 5th, Elydale Elementary, Mr. DiVirgilio

The thing I like the most about Halloween is dressing up! I like dressing up as animals and sometimes scary things. I mostly like dressing up as animals though. On my first Halloween I dressed as a baby beaver. This year I’m thinking about being a deer or a fox.
Cameron Goins, 5th, Elydale Elementary, Mr. DiVirgilio

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up. I like it because nobody knows what you’re going to wear. I also like when you get candy for free and all you have to do is dress up. I wonder what I will be this year.
Olivia Parks, 5th, Elydale Elementary, Mr. DiVirgilio

My part about Halloween is going to my Nana’s Halloween party. I like going there because most of my cousins are there and a lot of my other family are there also and we don’t get to see them a lot. Every year we have a mini haunted house, and it’s really cool! The lights are flickering and someone normally jumps out at you near the end. But my favorite part of the party is the food. My Nana makes the best banana pudding, she makes the enough for everyone, and everyone else brings really good treats too! This is my favorite part of Halloween what’s yours?
Abby Hill, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite thing about Halloween is all the candy. When Halloween comes around, my family and I always have a competition who has the best costume. The winner always gets candy. Halloween is near my brother’s birthday so we celebrate it on Halloween instead of October 24th. We always get lots of candy and cake.
Kameryn Lee Faust, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part about Halloween is story telling. I love story telling because I get to spend time with my family. When we go to events that have story telling my family and I go out to eat beforehand. Sometimes we stay home and my mom reads us Jack Tales. My favorite part about Halloween is story telling!
Bella Reed, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite thing about Halloween is getting a costume. I love going to Party City and picking out a costume. I also like to see all the costumes. This year I’m thinking about going as something from Harry Potter. My favorite part of Halloween is costumes and I would love to know what yours is too!
Aybree Brandt, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part about Halloween is you can go to Halloween parties and I get to dress up. You can go trick or treating, eat candy, and watch movies. I don’t go trick or treating anymore because I think it’s for little kids. My mom buys some candy, and we watch our favorite movies. My favorite Halloween movie is Hocus Pocus. My siblings and I carve pumpkins, and we play spooky games. That’s my favorite part about Halloween, what’s yours?
Morgan Patrick, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part about Halloween is to see other people in their costumes. I also like to see people decorate their house, it looks so cool. I like to get candy and to dress my sister up for Halloween. Halloween is so cool and fun when you are little, because when you get older, you don’t go any more. That is what I like about Halloween.
Kayla Guy, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part of Halloween is the scary movies. I love scary movies because I like being scared. One of my favorite movies is Hocus Pocus. It’s not really a scary movie to me, but it is still my favorite. But I don’t just like scary movies, I like scary hayrides and stories too. My favorite part of Halloween is the scary movies!
Olivia Smith, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part of Halloween is costumes. I like costumes because you get to express what you like. It is always fun to dress up and see other people’s costumes. I really like to hand out candy at my grandparents’ house and see all the costumes. Costumes are a very fun and creative way to show what you like!
Naomi Castle, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up. Every Halloween my family goes all out on costumes. This year I am going to be a werewolf and my sister, Phoebe, is going to be a crazy cat lady. I was a Werewolf last year but it turned out great so I want to try it out again. I also like Halloween because I love to compete in costume contests. I have won 3 so far and I was even invited to come and scare people in a haunted corn maze one year. I love Halloween and I can’t wait until October 31st!
Phroncie Price, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

I don’t really have a favorite part of Halloween, since I don’t like it. I used to love dressing up in silly costumes and trick-or-treating with my friends when I was younger. Now that I’m older, I’ve outgrown Halloween and it just doesn’t seem as fun as it was. Especially because, this might sound crazy, but I don’t like candy that much. I never have been much of a sweets kind of kid. Although I don’t like Halloween doesn’t mean that I can’t celebrate it, though. I still celebrate Halloween and have fun with my friends. So, that’s my opinion on Halloween! What’s yours?
Tia Spivey, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Clark

My favorite part about Halloween is the candy. There is so much good candy. Many kinds of delicious candy.
Leland Garcia, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

What is your favorite part of Halloween? Mine is going trick-or-treating. I love going house to house getting candy. I go to my Mamaw’s church down from her house. You go trick or treating there too. They give you prizes if you have enough tickets. I love trick or treating. What is your favorite part of Halloween?
Christian McKee, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite thing about Halloween is dressing up. Every year on Halloween I dress up as something, and go Trick or Treating. This year I’m going to dress up as a character from my favorite video-game, Overwatch. The character I’m dressing up as is Soldier: 76. That’s my favorite part about Halloween, what’s yours?
Logan Sanders, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part about Halloween is going through corn mazes. One thing about corn mazes is they are different every year. Another thing you can go with family and friends. Something else is there are plenty of different paths to take. My favorite part about Halloween is corn mazes, what is yours?
Matthew Hamilton, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite things about Halloween is going to haunted houses, going trick-or-treat, and scaring people, but the most fun thing is spending time with your family. I like going to haunted houses because they’re scary. My brother and I are always scared especially when we went to the corn maze. After we are done with haunted houses we go trick-or-treat. When my brother and I are trick-or-treating we will hide behind a corner were nobody will see us and then they will pass us, and we follow, then we will scare them. When my brother and I are done trick-or-treating we will trade candy. I love Halloween because you get to spend time with family.
Mario Atkins, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite fall activity is Halloween. I like Halloween because you get to dress up in a costume. At Halloween, you get candy and you can watch scary movies. I like to go in haunted forests before Halloween. My favorite fall activity is Halloween.
Ashley Ring, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part about Halloween is getting to dress up with my friends. This year my friend Ashley and I are going to be cats. She’s going to be a blue cat and I’m going to be a pink cat. It’s going to be so much fun. Also, last year, I was a cat, and the year before that, and the year before that. We have no idea what we’ll be next Halloween.
Samantha Lane, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up to be whatever I want. Halloween is a day to be anything you want. You can be scary or nice you can also go trick or treating. People don’t go trick or treating at my house because we live in the woods. I absolutely love Halloween!
Miranda Collier, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part about Halloween is the candy. I sometimes steal candy from my sister when she isn’t looking. My mom will “taste” my candy and then go to her room with a hand full of my sister’s candy then come back for mine. When my mom puts the candy in bags I take my bag to my room and hide it so my sister doesn’t find it. My church has an activity for Halloween. The whole church gets together and hands out candy. My favorite part of Halloween is the candy, what’s yours?!?
David Doran, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part about Halloween is watching movies here are three reasons why. First, watching movies is really fun plus two years ago I went trick-or-treating as a skeleton and scared my friend’s little cousin. Second, when my family watches movies it’s really fun. Last, but not least, the movie we watch the most on Halloween is “The Night Before Christmas” and it’s really good. That is my favorite thing to do on Halloween.
Dominic Bowey, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

I like Halloween because you can get candy. Halloween is an easy way to get candy. All you have to is go to houses and say something I don’t know how to spell. That was a joke. Ha, ha. That is why I like Halloween.
Brenton Sloan, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite thing about Halloween is the candy. Every year, since I don’t trick-or-treat, my aunt and Mamaw always give me a big bucket of candy. My favorite is when I get a bunch of milk duds. I stay up all night eating the candy! Candy is what I like about Halloween!
Anna Shepard, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

I love Halloween. It’s me and my brother’s favorite holiday. We like to scare people. My favorite part is spending time with my brother. Halloween is my second favorite holiday.
Timmy Johnson, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part about Halloween is all the haunted things you can do. I like to get scared and laugh at myself later. I also like when I bring a friend and we both get scared and have something to laugh at later. Also I have learned that when u get scared with someone it can be a real bonding experience for the two of you. I love to get scared with my friends on Halloween!!
Asia Marshall, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part about Halloween is “candy”. Candy is sugar and sugar is energy. Energy is good so I can do a lot of things. Things like running and playing, stuff like that. This is what I like about Halloween. P.S. I hate Halloween!
Luke Depriest, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part about Halloween is trick-or-treating. I love trick-or-treating because you get to dress up and go to different houses. Another reason why I love trick-or-treating is because you get candy! This is why I love Halloween!
Natalie Vicars, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part about Halloween is the trick or treating. Trick or treating is fun. I also love dressing up in my costume. It is very fun to dress up in something scary, and then go get candy. My favorite part about Halloween is trick or treating what is yours?
Justine Elliott, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part of Halloween is trick-or-treating. I like trick-or-treating because you get lots of candy! I really like trick-or-treating with friends and family. I love seeing all the decorations when I go out to trick-or-treat! That’s why I like Halloween.
Meisha Ball, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part of Halloween is trick or treating. When I go trick or treating my family goes to one or two different neighborhoods. I get so much candy! I am excited to go trick or treating. What is your favorite part of Halloween?
Maddie Norman, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part about Halloween is trick or treating. One reason I like trick or treating is because I get to go with my friends. Another reason is because I get candy. My final reason is because I get hyper. I love Halloween.
Logan Cassidy, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite thing about Halloween is Trick or Treating. I love Trick or Treating because I love having on a really cool costume and getting candy. I always go with my parents and my brother. I always have good manners when I’m trick or Treating. My favorite thing about Halloween is Trick or Treating
Luke Hartgrove, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My Favorite thing about Halloween is that you get a lot of candy. You get to dress up. Also, you get to have a lot of fun. I wish that we had Halloween more often!
Haley Hasting, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite thing about Halloween is getting to dress up, there is so many things to dress up as. Last year I was a hot air balloon this year I’m going to be thing one and thing two with my friend Ciara. That is my favorite what is yours?
Madeline Perry, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

My favorite part about Halloween is going to Cleek Farm’s. I love Cleek Farm’s because you can go into their corn maze and see if you have enough skill to find your way out, you can also do hay rides, and they have a great big jumping pillow! I love going to Cleek Farm’s because I always get a great laugh out of it. I love going to Cleek Farm’s because I get to spend time with my family.
Gracie Bright, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

Hello today I will be telling you what my favorite thing about Halloween is. My favorite thing about Halloween is trick-or-treating. I like trick-or-treating because I get lots of candy. My favorite candy is gummy bears, but I also like Reese’s cups. Once I got king sized Reese’s cups. We usually go   trick- or-treating in my grandmother’s neighborhood. Last year I was a dog this year I plan to be a mummy. That`s why trick-or-treating is my favorite thing about Halloween.
Maximus Norman, 5th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Webb 

My most favorite part of Halloween is haunted houses. Because they are fun and you get to see people dress up as and what they like and are into now. There are also different types of haunted houses there are ones for kids and there are also ones for adults. I like the scary ones the best. I like to go to haunted houses because they are very fun.
Parker Thomas, 5th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Webb 

My favorite part of Halloween is the candy.  Candy is very good.  My favorite candy is the Jolly Ranchers.  Me and my two sisters will sit at the table and trade candy that we don’t like for candy we do like.  One time I got Jolly Ranchers for some Skittles.  My sisters’ names are Madison and Paityn.  Paityn is 2 years old and Madison is 8 years old.  This is why I like Halloween.  What is your favorite part of Halloween?  Thank you.
Noah Clifton, 5th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Webb 

Here’s my favorite parts about Halloween. My most favorite part about Halloween is trick-treating. My second one is dressing up that’s my favorite. Here is my third one it is the corn maze. There’s my favorite parts about Halloween. What’s yours?
Kaleigh, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

Halloween is approaching fast. I love the candy and eating the candy. I love spending time with my family and friends on Halloween. I love watching scary movies with my family and friends. That is how I want my Halloween to be.
Braedon Willis, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

I love Halloween a lot so I’ll tell you I like Halloween. Candy is my favorite part of Halloween because it’s sweet and sour. I love the costumes they are creative and funny also scary. I like the darkness because it makes trick or treating more fun.
Liam Wilkerson, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

Well it is almost Halloween and it is time to get ready come on follow me. I love haunted houses one time a zombie came out and scared me half to death. Trick or treating this year I am going to be a donut and my sister is going to be a cupcake. Candy now I know it can cause a serious health problems but I love it. Here comes Halloween are you ready?
Mallory Jones, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

Yes it is Halloween. I love watching movies. I love carving jack-o-lanterns. I love decorations. I love Halloween.
Baker Correll, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

Hello I am talking about Halloween. At our school we are doing a big event on October 26th. Halloween is so much fun.
Alexis G., 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

For Halloween people trick-or-treat for candy. I like Halloween. It is fun and people have fun.
Jayden, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

Halloween spooky right? Well today I’m telling you my favorite things about Halloween! So to start it off Halloween is my favorite season, and I love going trick-or-treating, and I love the candy so much! Also I love haunted houses, and there spooky one time there was a pure dark haunted house and I felt this weird thing on my neck and I got so scared! My second favorite thing is family and friends. We always have a party with family witch is fun a bunch! My last favorite things is costumes! Sometimes costumes are so hard to pick out! There all just so cool I don’t even know what I’m going to be for Halloween yet. There my favorite things, and what’s your favorite Halloween activity?
Colton Burgett, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

These are some of my favorite things about Halloween. The first great thing about Halloween is skulls. They are spooky and a big part of Halloween. The second great thing about Halloween is scary books. I love walking into a book store and reading the back of scary books. They are only a little bit scary. The third great thing about Halloween is the quotes. They are so cute like you do you boo. Those are my three favorite things about Halloween!
Addison Mounger, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

I love Halloween and here is why. I love the candy it’s so good and tasty and it’s all mine. I like all the lights in the darkness. I like the pumpkins they are pretty and they light up. That is why I like Halloween.
Nathan Arnold, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

Halloween is approaching fast, let me tell you some things I like to do. I’m very excited to go to the Miller Perry Halloween on October 26th.Also I like going to haunted mazes and haunted houses because they’re scary. My last one is candy and trick or treating because I love candy! That’s my favorite Halloween activities and thanks for reading!
Charley Colgrove, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

I was Batman for Halloween last year.
Nathaniel Swiger, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

I love Halloween, what about you? We always go trick-or-treating with my friends. We always have fun. My family always goes to Fenders Farm. We go through the corn maze, look at pumpkins, and play on the playground. I have never been to Miller Perry’s HALLoween. It sounds fun. I am looking forward to the HALLoween. Halloween is the best!
Flynn Bottcher, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

These are some reasons I like Halloween. I like it because of the tons of candy I get. I also like it trick or treating with friends and family. I like pranks and dressing up in scary costumes. Halloween is awesome! Hope you enjoy it too because I sure do.
Riley Wheeler, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

What I love to do on Halloween! I love trick or treating because you get candy and toys. It’s so fun trick or treating with family and friends. And the costumes are so…. amazing! Halloween is amazing!
Molly McDivitt, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

Halloween is coming! Do you like Halloween? Do you think it’s scary or funny? Well it’s both for me! All I got to say is costumes. They give you an excuse to be someone you’re not! This year I’m being Hermione from Harry Potter. Last year I was Tinker Bell. Now teenagers might not think this but boy do I love family and friends. We’d talk and chat about school and funny things that happened at school. This year my friend, Emma, and I are going on a corn maze together. I usually go to the scary one, where all the clowns jump out and scare you and stuff. How about you? Do you like Halloween?
Olivia Isebella Smith, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers