Halloween is a very special time to me because for one night you can be whatever you want to be. My sister is going to be a Genie and I’m going to be a Roman Empress. All the candy that you get can last you to early spring I think. I love Halloween and you should to. Well I have to go I wish I could tell you more things that I like I hope I can see you again I mean you can read my writing again.
Ella Wilson, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

My favorite holiday is around the corner are you ready? I love ghost and this year in my school we are having a haunted Halloween. I love the darkness because it is very cool. I absolutely love candy. Corn mazes are very fun on Halloween they are awesome. Skulls are very cool. My favorite of them all is trick or treating. Halloween is the best in the world.
Jackson Light, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

I hate Halloween. There is too much candy you might puke. Some costumes look too scary. Also the thriller movies on cable have stopped me from watching cable. I hate it so much I stopped celebrating Halloween.
Liam Whitehead, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

Me and my dad buy toilet paper and tee pee our friends’ houses and when they get home jump out of the bushes and scare their tails of. When I go trick or treating my mom lets me ride my bike around the neighborhood house to house. When my friends and I go trick or treating together we have a blast. At the end we get lodes of candy. There are 3 things I think are the best in Halloween.
Cash Taylor, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

What is your favorite thing about Halloween? My favorite thing is mostly family and friends .I like to watch scary movies .I like to carve a pumpkin. You should come on Halloween. I almost forgot we are having a Miller Perry Halloween .that is my favorite things to do.
Katelynn Hodge, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

I like Halloween because of all the candy, costumes and don’t forget all the haunted houses! Halloween is great…BOO! Did I scare you?
Bronson Antonio Lovato, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

One thing I like about Halloween is the candy. My favorite candy is chocolate. Another thing I like about Halloween are the costumes. I like to go trick or treating in a scary costume. I also think I will like the Miller Perry Halloween. You get to knock on the teacher’s doors on the hall. I hope I get a lot of candy this year.
Graciela Rose Mondragon, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

My favorite time of year is Halloween. This year my school Miller Perry is having a Halloween fest on October 26th. One reason I love Halloween is because you get to go trick or treating every year. Another reason is because you get to see all kinds of haunted houses. Also you get to carve pumpkins and wear creative costumes. Halloween is so fun, you get to go to Halloween parties, and do corn mazes with your friends. But watch out for different monsters.
Bethany Lynn Linkous, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

I love these things about Halloween. Costume parties because you get candy and food and you drink. Haunted houses because you get the pee scared out of you. Last but not least carving pumpkins because you spend time with you family carving pumpkins. Now you know my favorite things about Halloween!
Jackson Whaley, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

Things I love most about Halloween. Scary movies they are scary and I like being scared. Miller Perry’s Halloween I can trick-or-treat at school! Scary costumes you can dress up as monsters and more. What do you like best about Halloween?
Sage Compton, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

This is why I like Halloween. I like to go trick or treating. Because I get candy. Next, I like scary decorations because I get scared. Next, I like Miller Perry Halloween because teachers give out candy. That’s why I like Halloween.
Ava Elliott, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

What you might like about Halloween is fall break. I love fall break before Halloween and I know a lot of people do it’s the time to go swimming before cold weather or to buy Halloween decorations. But if you have a pool and love swimming say BYE! So my school Miller Perry Elementary is having a HALLoween day at 6:00-8:00 and there will be a book fair I hope you can come. I love trick or treating because I have a sweet tooth but I have never had a cavity I love Milky Ways. What’s your favorite candy? I hope at least one of these things caught your eye.
Ella Yankee, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

These are some of the things I like best about Halloween. I love haunted forests we go every year. It’s very fun and SCARY. I love trick or treating and getting candy. I also like carving pumpkins they are scary. These three things about Halloween are very fun. What are some things you like best about Halloween?
Riley Yates, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

Do you like Halloween? I love Halloween. It is my favorite time of the year. Here are three reasons why I love Halloween. One of my favorite things about Halloween is the scary movies. My favorite scary movies is Countering 2. What’s your favorite movie? I also like creative Halloween costumes. I’m going to be Moana. What do you want to be? My favorite part about Halloween is spending time with my family. I love to tell jokes with them. Those are a few of my favorite things about Halloween.
Laylei Lawson, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

HI it’s going to be Halloween soon. What I like about Halloween is costumes. Also, I like to go trick-or-treating and I like the good candy. Also I like to go to haunted mazes and so I can scare my mom. And I also like to have family time.
Josh, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Mrs. Jeffers

I wonder what this Halloween is going to be like this year.  These are the three things I like about Halloween. First, I like the costumes because I like dressing up. Second, Miller Perry is having “HALL”-oween during the book fair.  It will fun to see everyone in their costumes. Third, I like spooky houses because I like to get the big scare. This Halloween is going to be great!
Izabel Kendrick, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

My favorite part about Halloween is dressing up. It is my favorite part because you can be whatever you want to be and you can express your feelings through your costume. I’m going to be Harley Quinn this year. Last year I was a cop. That’s why dressing up is my favorite part of Halloween.
Emma Clontz, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

I love Halloween. You can basically be whatever you want on Halloween. My favorite part is getting to go to a haunted house, because it’s scary and fun. I like to dress up and get candy.
Alliston Standifer, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up with my dog. Last year we were a bride and groom. This year I am a lion tamer and he will be a lion. We will go trick-or-treating this year. My other dog, Fallon, is a clown. He has a big bow tie and a wig. I can’t wait for Halloween to roll around!
Kate Blakemore, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is going to Kings Island. We don’t go on Halloween but it’s practically Halloween. During October Kings Island does about 17 haunted houses. Also, they have people walking around scaring you to death. And these haunted houses are no joke. They will scare you to death. Kings Island is a good place to go on Halloween.
Tyler Lee, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part about Halloween is the candy. The reason why is because that is the only time I can eat as much candy as I want. Most of the time it has my favorite candy in it (Sweet Tart Smarties) and that’s my favorite part about Halloween.
Madison McElyea, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite thing is the candy. Not big on trick-or-treating. Candy is good. I love it. I like sneaking it up to my room because everyone has a stash.
David Miles, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is getting candy because I love candy. And my favorite part of Halloween is going to my cousin’s house. The whole family always goes over to my aunt’s house for a haunted hay ride and haunted house because it’s fun and I like scary stuff.
Clayton Moore, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is the costumes because it is fun to be something else for a night. So, to me, that is the beauty of Halloween.
Emily Nuxoll, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up. You can pick anything at all. Then you can do your makeup depending on what you pick. This is my favorite part of Halloween.
Kaitlyn Hamilton, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is trick-or-treating with my family. I like to go to the rich people’s houses because they have better candy. Last Halloween we rode in the van with the doors open so we could just jump out and not have to walk so much. We went to a house last Halloween and they gave us a king-size Twix, a Mello Yello, and a fun-size bag of chips. It was awesome. When I was little my parents would say they had to eat this bad candy. To them bad candy was Reese’s, Hershey’s, 3 Musketeers, Twix, and the other best candies. So when Zoey, my little cousin is like three or four I’m going to tell her what my parents told me. That’s my favorite part of Halloween.
Riley Harber, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is getting all kinds of candy. Dressing up in my favorite costume, zombie doctor. Walking down the streets hoping to scare people!
Isaiah Holbrook, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part would have to be the decorations on the houses and around the house. I like going around and judging the houses with my friends. That’s my favorite part.
Luke Cook, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is scaring the living soil out of people but not being scared. The reason that my favorite part of Halloween is scaring people is because scaring is my hobby. I love to scare people and the only reason I scar people is to get their candy.
Tristian Stone, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is the candy. The costumes are truly scary. One time two years ago on Halloween some guy dressed as a werewolf tried to rob us. We called the cops and they arrested him. He was wanted in three counties. I gain a few extra pounds eating candy. This year we are going to a real haunted house in Tennessee. We’re going to spend all night there.
Collier Collins, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is sometimes we go trick-or-treating but other times we have a Halloween party. Our friends get together and we dress up. We get candy and we have a lot of fun and games.
Evany Collins, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

Well my favorite part of Halloween is dressing up. We walk around town with my baby cousins and Emma’s little sisters. It’s a blast. My family and I decorate our house. It’s so much fun. So that is my favorite thing about Halloween.
Chloe Willis, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is getting candy. We live in the middle of nowhere so we have to drive into town and then we usually park at the mini mall across from IGA and then we get out and we walk into town and get candy. we usually walk a lot and I get really tired but the good part about getting candy is I get more energy eating it so I can get more energy to walk around and get more candy. So that is what I like about Halloween.
Taft Aldridge, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is eating candy. I like spicy candy more than anything. I didn’t dress up last year. This year I’m just going to Walmart and getting a bag of candy. So that’s my favorite part of Halloween.
Ethan Gordon, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is to scare my sister. This year I am going to turn the breaker off when she lies down to sleep. She always has her lamp on whenever she goes to sleep. She will know something is up. She will run to my mom and dad’s room and I will be waiting on her. Whenever I scare her, her face is priceless. That’s why I like Halloween.
Alyssa Lewis, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is going to haunted houses. Haunted houses are scary and funny. They make you jump up. Sometimes they make you cry.
Aidan Byington, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is having our family dinner. I also love going trick-or-treating with my family.
Jayden McNiel, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is scaring people. I usually dress up and sneak up on them. That’s my favorite part of Halloween.
Brynnen Pendergraft, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is hanging out with my friends and family and getting candy. We normally go trick-or-treating and then go to eat. I think it is fun hanging out with family and friends. That is my favorite part of Halloween.
Bella Rouse, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is going on scary hay rides and telling ghost stories. That is my favorite part of Halloween!
Katelyn Stafford, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is the candy and costumes because you get to dress up as a monster or something else and get lots of candy.
Evan Long, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is eating a lot of candy and looking at other people’s costumes. Because when you look at them you can see the time and effort people put in to create their costumes.
Emily Kirk, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is going to haunted hayrides because I like to get scared. I go with my brother. We enjoy being together. I never get to see him anymore. We make it the best time ever.
Julie Woodard, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is playing football with my cousins. We all get together and pick teams and we put up chairs on both sides of the teams and we start the game. That is why Halloween is my favorite.
Ethan Ziehler, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is getting to wear masks and scare people. I also like to get candy. I like to buy silly sting and surprise my family.
Jason Corbin, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is trick-or-treating and Halloween parties. Halloween is also football season. Football is my sport. That’s my favorite part of Halloween.
Andrew Rutherford, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

I really like walking around watching all the kids run around getting absolutely as much candy as possible, and being there enjoying the cold weather. My family and I go around seeing everyone that we usually go see. And we get to see people’s decorations they have or to see how their pumpkins are carved. And that’s my favorite part of Halloween.
Jace Cochran, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

Costumes because it’s fun to just be scary, cute, old, young, or funny for a day and it’s the only day you get free candy.
Carrie Wilder, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is dressing up. I like scary costumes. Last year I was a clown. I am going to be “Jeff the Killer” this year. I am going to use fake blood to look scary. I’m going to go to a lot of houses to get a lot of candy. Candy is my second favorite part of Halloween.
Elijah Ritchie, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is giving out candy to kids, because it is fun and you get to meet other people.
Blake Ely, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is getting to dress up because you get to be anything you want to be. You could be a doctor, police officer, princess, and many more. I like dressing up because it’s a lot of fun! I also like handing out candy. It’s fun to walk around with my fourteen-year-old sister, Silina, getting candy too. That is what I like the most about Halloween!
Hailey Parsons, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is when I go to my mamaw’s house. Halloween is my mamaw’s favorite time of year. My mamaw has a big Halloween party every year. That is my favorite part of Halloween!
Sierra Woodard, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is the haunted houses. I love going in them. They are so fun. I like getting scared. On Halloween night I go to five haunted houses. So that is my favorite thing on Halloween.
Dara Rogers, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

Getting candy, dressing up for Halloween. You have fun with friends and family. Spending time together and being scary for Halloween.
Makayla Burgan, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is carving pumpkins. I love to carve pumpkins because my family and I have a great time. I love to see my family have a good time. My brother and I try to make the scariest pumpkin. I normally win of course! My mom and stepdad go and buy candles and pumpkins before Halloween. My siblings and I always have a great time carving, decorating, and even hollowing out the pumpkins. So, overall pumpkin carving is my favorite part!
Reece Cook, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is scaring people! It is so fun! I like scaring people in my family. I go and hide, and when they walk out in front of me I jump out and yell. I love watching their faces when I scare them. So that is my favorite part about Halloween.
Nicholas Kimberlin, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part about Halloween is eating candy. We get a lot of candy and it’s not just the candy it’s the people that take their time to stay outside and buy all that candy and they don’t have to buy stuff for us. I love Halloween!
Lynsey Blair, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is the candy, costumes. This year I’m going to be a purple blob. Out of candy, costumes I like candy better. Yum! My favorite candy is Tootsie Roll. Especially, the big thick kind. Yum! Except when they melt. Yuck! I’m so excited for this year’s Halloween! Hope you are too! That’s my favorite part of Halloween!
Willow Britton, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite season is fall and of course Halloween is in fall. I really don’t think I have a favorite thing but if I did it would have to be hearing and seeing all of the kids in costumes saying, “Trick or treat!” I love when my mom buys candy because when the day is over I get a lot of candy! Also spend the time you have with your family because one day that will be gone!
Jessie Barton, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite part of Halloween is putting up Halloween decorations. I enjoy putting up Halloween decorations because I really enjoy using my imagination to decide what decorations I want to put up. When decorating for Halloween I always ask myself questions like…what theme do I want to choose this year? Spooky or normal fall? Skeletons or ghosts? Witches or zombies? I always think about what I want to decorate with, but no matter how elaborate or simple your decorations are the only thing that really matters is the fact you are showing your Halloween spirit!
Mia Jerrell, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

Halloween is when everybody dresses up, knocks on the door, and says, “Trick or treat.” Then we get something to eat. So my favorite part is getting free candy and you don’t get yelled at for taking it. Even though dressing up is pretty fun, asking “Trick or treat” and getting some free candy to eat wins by far. So enjoy Halloween before you’re the one giving out the candy.
Tanner Epperly, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson