When I got up one morning I walked in the living room. When I walked in, there was a present sitting in front of the tree. I opened up the present. It was a CD, a Maroon 5 CD. There was a piece of paper sticking out. I opened it up and flipped it over. It was Maroon 5 concert tickets! I was so happy! That is my favorite holiday memory. The end.

Kate Blakemore, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite holiday memory is Christmas Eve. Both sets of grandparents came to my house and we ate, and my sister and I opened presents from Mamaw and Papaw. Then we watched “Christmas Vacation.” I will never forget that Christmas.

Bella Rouse, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite is when we had Thanksgiving dinner and played football outside.

Jayden McNiel, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

Christmas. I got up at 6:00 in the morning. I got me some milk then woke up my brother. Then my mom. Then walk to the living room where my Christmas tree is and I open my gifts and I love them.

Aidan Byington, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

On Thanksgiving we were putting up the Christmas tree. We got it all nice and pretty and there it came right down on top of me. Trust me that’s a Thanksgiving I will never forget.

Julie Woodard, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite holiday memory is getting a four-wheeler for Christmas about eight years ago.

Maddox, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite holiday memory is on Christmas morning. My oldest brother and I woke up and went in the living room and I locked my eyes right on my present under the tree. Then I realized my parents were still in the bed and my youngest brother and little sister were still in the bed too. So my big brother and I made a plan we were going to wake everyone up. So we went in our room and climbed in my little brother’s bed and my big brother tried to wake him up and then we heard someone walking through the house so we went and saw my sister and mom and dad awake. So my big brother slapped my little brother in the face! My mom said don’t slap your brother and went in and woke him up. And I had the biggest present and it was awesome. I got a football game and that was my favorite holiday memory.

Taft Aldridge, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite holiday memory is Christmas. How I grew up we all get together and lie by the tree. When I was five instead of getting together and lying by the tree we were lying under the tree. By the time Christmas came we were surrounded by toys and candy. That was the best Christmas of my life and that is my favorite holiday memory.

Tristian Stone, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite holiday memory is Christmas because I love remembering Jesus and when he was born. This world would be nothing without him so I like to thank him every Christmas.

Luke Cook, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite holiday memory was last Christmas. I like it because I got to see a lot of my family. I got all the movies I wanted. I got an Xbox One, and I stuffed my face with good food! I love Christmas, it is the best. But I loved last Christmas.

Alyssa Lewis, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite holiday memory is the Christmas when I got my phone. A lot of my friends at the time had a phone and sadly I didn’t and it was almost Christmas. I told my mom and dad I wanted a phone for Christmas. I didn’t think they would get me one but surely enough they did. They got me a Samsung Galaxy S7. That was the newest Samsung at the time. But anyway that is my favorite holiday memory.

Madison McElyea, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

Mine is Christmas because I always get to visit family and go outside and build a snowman and have a snowball fight. Then go inside and open presents and drink hot chocolate and play games and watch Christmas movies. And tell stories and we would go visit family then have a Christmas dinner.

Clayton, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite holiday memory was when I was six. My mom and I were putting Christmas ornaments on the tree. My mom said go get the stepping stool so I can put the star on top of the tree. I climbed on the stool but I lost my balance and grabbed the tree but I fell backwards and took the tree with me. I got cut from the broken ornaments, and got hooks in my hand.

Collier Collins, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

One day I had a broken leg. It was Halloween and my dad had to pick me up sometimes. Like always we went around house to house. I had a little bit of a hard time using my crutches. I had lots of fun though. That’s my favorite holiday memory.

Erica Pilon, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite holiday memory is one Thanksgiving. My whole family and I were at my new house. My mom and dad were finishing dinner. The rest of the family were in the living room. All of my cousins and I were playing. It was so much fun. After that we went in the kitchen and prayed. Then we ate. It was one of the best Thanksgivings ever.

Chloe Willis, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite holiday memory is when my mommy and daddy had bought me an electric piano on Christmas. So my brother covered my eyes and then he removed his hands and there it was. So then I screamed with joy and that is my memory.

Emily Nuxoll, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite holiday memory is when my dad got a new truck.

Mark, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

One time my Mamaw Bledsoe and I were walking on the side of the road and then we saw a bear. Then we tried to get a picture and then the bear stomped its foot at us.

Kendra Bledsoe, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite holiday was Easter and everybody got along. It was just great. That’s my favorite holiday.

David Miles, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite holiday was a few Christmases ago. It all began like this. One Christmas Eve my sister, mama, and I were bored so we went outside to go snowboarding. So we took water put in on snow to make ice. We then let it freeze. Then we rode on it. We let the dogs out. That is my favorite holiday memory.

Riley Harver, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday memory because I love turkey stuffing, corn, and a lot of things.

Hunter Collins, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite holiday memory is deep-frying a turkey every year. I love eating turkey, stuffing, and gravy every year. We will be deep-frying three turkeys this year. I can’t wait to eat.

Ethan Gordon, 6th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Gibson

My favorite holiday memory is eating turkey on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Eve is getting to open the gifts and giving to others.

Jayson Woliver, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite holiday memory is Christmas Eve 2009. I was five years old my mom and dad were in bed I woke up with joy present!

Jazmyn Smith, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite holiday memory is when I got my muzzle loader and when I see the big lot I went for it and my pap that passed away was messing with me saying it was his present and I got to open it finally and it was the gun I had been wanting. So always remember the people that loved you because they will be gone one day. In loving memory of Roger Anderson.

Ethan Lamb, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

When we go to my grandmother’s grave and sing and talk about how great she was. We all miss her we still keep her memory alive. It is still hard for us though many years have gone by. She is still missed. I love her a lot. I wish she could still be here with us.

Shane Woodard, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite holiday memory would have to go to the time I stayed at a hotel during Christmas morning. After the presents were opened, the power went out because it was so cold. It stayed off for three days! So my family and I went to stay at a hotel until it came back on. The hotel was amazing. That day is one day I’ll never forget.

Matthew Fleenor, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite holiday memory is when mom and my papaw and I got everyone a gift at Walmart and we made deer food when I was little and putting up the Christmas lights on the house and Christmas tree.

Isabella Rowe, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

Waking up on Christmas Day and the presents are everywhere. Opening them to see what I got and I got what I wanted for Christmas and also watching Christmas movies with my family.

Gage Yates, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

Every year on Christmas Eve my family and I would all come together at my grandmother’s house for dinner. Being with all my family at least once every year is my favorite holiday memory and I can’t wait for this Christmas!

Kaley Shupe, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite holiday memory is my Christmas party I had with my family. Mom, dad, and I used to be together every Christmas. I wish I can have my family again with me.

Eyan Bradley, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite holiday memory is on Christmas. When I wake up in the morning I smell candles, food, the Christmas tree lit up, and presents under the tree. That’s my favorite holiday memory.

Sarah Middleton, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite holiday memory is Thanksgiving. I miss the time when my dad made a whole lot of food. It was a good time then we were laughing, smiling, and we just had a great time then.

Riley Woodard, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I would have to say that my favorite holiday memory was a couple of years ago. When I was younger my mom met my stepdad and Christmas was just around the corner. My mom was not sure if my stepdad was going to treat me as his own. So he went out and spent over five hundred dollars in toys, clothes, and other items. He also spent Christmas night with us.

Jess Jennings, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite holiday is Christmas. When I was 7 my parents gave me all of my presents early and it was the biggest Christmas I have ever had. I loved everything I got. I got toys I asked for and even so much more. It will always be an unforgettable Christmas.

Dorothy Scott, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite holiday memory is when we would sit around a tree, drink hot chocolate, and watch the movie “The Polar Express” at Elk Knob every year on the week right before winter break.

Dathan Ridings, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks