Holston Valley Middle

I think kids one hundred years in the future will have technology that is more advanced than ours today. Another thing is that their cars will not be like ours. They will have desks that are hovering. Their motorcycles will be hovering.
Aaron Robertstad, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think that the school will use more technology. As the years pass we get more used to technology and we use it way too much. We rely on technology to communicate and a way to distract yourself. If we rely on it too much that is what our future will be. So that is what I think our future holds.
Aaryanna Cross, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I believe technology will eventually take over the world. In today’s world, we use technology within a daily basis. We have already created many inventions that make life easier. People in the future will basically become obsolete because their jobs will be done by machines. But for kids, they will most likely go to school then come home to play video games. They could also go outside, but with lots of technology it would be a rarer occurrence. In conclusion, kids’ lives will be taken over by technology.
Alex Hamilton, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think in one hundred years everything will be electronic. Who knows? Maybe kids would even have robots come to school for them. I think that everything will be ten times more expensive and that there will be self-driving cars. The reason I think these things is because technology is upgrading every day and their prices get raised like a dollar more a week. When the prices rise weekly or even daily, it’s awful for people when they don’t have enough money. Like now when I go to the store the individual cakes that used to cost 50 cents—now they cost as much as the box. The individual cakes are $1.49 and the box of cakes is $1.99. That’s only 50 cents less than the boxes of cakes.
Alexus Stuart, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think life for kids 100 years from now will be very different than ours. Technology is very popular in 2019 but by 2119 it will have taken over the world. In present day, 7-year-olds have tablets and iPads in front of their faces. I predict that 100 years from now, in the future, there will be very advanced technology such as newer models of tech, buildings, phones, robot dogs, and talking cars.
Anna Campbell, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

What I think kids’ lives will be like in 100 years is I think there will be a lot of fun things to do for the kids. I think there could be a bunch of parks where kids can play and have fun and there could be water parks for kids. And I think most of the kids won’t be going to school. They will be homeschooled.
April Odum, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

No one could really tell you what the world is going to look like in a hundred years. Although my guess is that our world will be run by robots. As you know, electronics have made a great change in the Renaissance. People used a printing press to create Bibles and other books. Nowadays we use a huge printer which is electronically powered while the press was more hands on. Not that anyone would care if the world is run by some type of electronic as long as it is doing it for them. Kids will forget all about outside or any family because all they want to watch is some overrated Bubble Guppies show that consists of robots.
Berkley Helbert, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

In the future it will be extremely high-tech. For example, there will be flying cars. There won’t be as many crashes. Next, there will be advanced weaponry. There probably will be another war so you might need them. Finally, the security will be advanced so less bank robberies. But this also means that the bad people can also have the technology.
Billy Parker, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

They will be tech addicts. Technology has already taken over so in 100 years everything will be tech-based. Children don’t talk to their parents now so one hundred years later they won’t talk at all.
Blake Hayes, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

In 100 years life will be overpopulated with technology. Every kid will have a piece of technology in their hand. There will not be any books, only online books. Instead of teachers there will be manual teachers, like robots. Life will be filled with politics, opinions, and hectic. No one would be able to get around without technology. There will not be any radios, records, or CDs. You will have to listen to music on your piece of technology. Life will change for the worse and not for the better.
Briana Combs, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Life will be controlled by robots on another planet. I think this because global warming will mess up the Earth, making it uninhabitable. Unless we do something about it today, it won’t get better. The robot part comes in from a while ago. Robots have started to take people’s jobs in China and Japan. This could eventually spread to us, making us lose our jobs.
Caleb Smithson, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Life in the future will have a lot of advanced technology. There will be flying cars, hover boards, holograms, and shoes that just appear on your foot and the kids would love all of these and they would use them everywhere. Kids could talk with each other and see what the other is doing through holograms. On hover boards they will have a way to transport themselves. Shoes of the future will be easier because you press one button and they appear tied and everything.
Carmine Parson, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think kids 100 years in the future will have robots and all this awesome technology to where they don’t have to do anything. They probably won’t have to fix their own food or get up to do anything because they will have things to carry them around and do everything that they don’t want to do, like chores.
Chelsea Woods, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think that life for kids 100 years in the future is going to be awesome. The reason I think this is because everything is probably going to be based on technology. I don’t believe that school supplies like pencil and paper are going to even be a thing which I think is awesome because I love technology and I like learning about it, and I love to type on the keyboard because I can type really fast.
Chloe Wise, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I believe that kids will be born in tubes and not through pregnancies. After that they will go to schools to teach them everything they know. Then they will go back to their parents once they’ve obtained all the knowledge they need. This allows parents to be their best and help society as much as possible, without a baby holding them back.
Clay Sherfey, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think kids will not have to go to school. I think they’ll have their own personal robots there to help every kid’s needs. I also believe that there will be flying cars and hover boards.
Clayton Carr, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think everything will be advanced. I think when they go to school it will all be on computers. There might even be flying cars or all electric cars and I wouldn’t be surprised if kids could drive or it will drive for them. There will probably be robots that teach kids and do other things like fix the bed and do dishes, etc. I hope you enjoyed what I think it will be like for kids in 100 years.
Dalton Gorley, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

It depends on how the future turns out. It could be like it is now with more technology. It could turn out where it’s all a beautiful utopia or it could end up as an apocalyptic wasteland. I put my bets on either option one or option three. In number one, life would be nearly the same with more tech to make their lives easier. Number two is where everything would be peaceful. No war, no fighting, everything will be fine. Number three is if there was an apocalypse. In this future, humanity could have gotten too out of control that they start some sort of apocalypse. There is no telling how kids’ lives would be.
Darren Harless, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think life for kids 100 years from now will be easy. Kids won’t have to learn. They’ll have chips implanted in their brains filled with all the knowledge they could ever want. They will have food teleported directly to them. They won’t have to go to the bathroom anymore. All you have to say is, “A. I. I have to go”, and it goes for you. Ice cream will never melt. And if you get fat there’s a machine for that too. Kids will have it so easy they will slowly rise to world domination! Kids will then turn the world into candy!
Devin Depew, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

What I think life will be like for kids 100 years in the future is kids will probably have more rights than they do now. But they will also have a better and safer environment due to advances in technology. The way things are now will be very different from how things are then. I think that the kids then will be more educated due to new discoveries. So that is how I think life will be like for kids 100 years in the future.
Emily Childress, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think they will have all technology for life. I think that they will have cars that drive by themselves and talk. I think that kids will be able to drive by maybe, ten, and they will be able to go wherever they want. For school I think it will all be technology instead of paper assignments. The students might be able to have better grades. Also I think that there will be more ideas like if you call a store you will be able to shop like that and they will deliver it to your house. I hope you enjoyed what I thought it would be like in 100 years.
Emma Saxton, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think that there will be a nuclear war and there will be nothing but wasteland. Kids will be the most prosperous faction. They will hold fights with grownups to see who can make their new generation. After you get over twenty years old they throw you out with nothing but a pair of clothes. And that’s what I think life will be like in 100 years.
Gabe Holcomb, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think they will have more rules. They will have to follow more rules or safety precautions from events that have happened over the years. They may also expand the school days or hours to provide more learning and educational hours. The technology would be better and the end of the year test (if done on the computer) would run smoothly and with not as many problems as there are today like crashing or errors with information.
Gabriel Farley, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think life for kids will be the same. Here’s why. I don’t think a lot will change except technology and a few other things like what they teach in schools. Also some food might be different and healthier. Houses, buildings, and cars may look different and more advanced. That is what I think life will be like for kids in 100 years.
Gage Southern, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think everyone is going to be fat and live with robots that’ll do everything. Kids will not play outside. They will play video games. VR or virtual reality will be the way of life. That would cause the world to fall apart.
Gavin Roberts, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

There will possibly be a lot of new technology and probably be a lot more computers, iPads, and phones. And everything gets to be automatic like the automatic trashcans at Chick-fil-a and everyone gets replaced with robots. No one has to work. Money won’t exist and all you have to do is wait for the next Apple iPhone to come out. Everyone’s so hooked on which phone’s better and social media or being Instagram famous. In a hundred years from now kids from one-month-olds to 200 will be all over getting their goals of being internet famous. Will just be paralyzed in that one time forever. Stop relying on devices. But that’s what I think life for kids in a hundred years will be like.
Gracie Perry, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

In 100 years, I don’t think there will be any kids. My theory is that a nuclear war will break out and the fallout will leave the world destroyed. If there were any chance of survival, they will be stuck inside basements or bunkers.
Grant Giles, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Kids will have better things to do. They will have different personalities. They will have a job and car or a motorcycle and a house. They will do more stuff and they will get wives/husbands. They will be out making money and have a better life.
Ian Smith, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

Life 100 years from now, children will not experience the everyday things we take for granted. Every day, I read physical books. Though now you can read books digitally, that will be the only way children can read, I believe. Also, living on Earth won’t be an experience for children. Due to current pollution, Earth will be evacuated. For children, the closest experience to playing outside will only be virtual. Every current experience we get will only be virtual for our future.
Jack Ragan, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think that life will have more technology and less family time. I think this because most families today don’t spend time together like they should. So that’s what I think life for kids 100 years from now will be like.
Jacob Johnson, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think life will be a lot easier because kids will have robots programmed to do their everyday chores. They will have the robots do the dishes, do the laundry, parent, drive taxis, teach school, and even guard the white house. Their car will be moving off of city power due to electric magnetic channels underground.
Jacob Turpin, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think 100 years in the future life will be completely different for kids. I think that everything will be controlled by technology and that kids will always have technology right in front of them, even at school. I think that kids will have robots everywhere to help them do things.
James Cross, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

In 100 years I believe kids will be almost controlled by technology. I believe this because most kids are always on their phones, tablets, or Xbox or PS4 all day and are basically addicted to them. If technology keeps progressing like it is today, imagine what kids will have in 100 years! They may have holographic Facetime or some type of weird phone that brings the apps or games out of the phone or tablet. We may see phones that can be controlled by thoughts. Kids would be so controlled by tech they may forget about simple things like hunting or playing a regular board game like we have now, like Monopoly.
John Wise, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

In roughly 100 years kids will be very different than what they are today. Though we are not for sure what the future holds, one thing is for certain—change is inevitable. Kids may live on Mars. They may be controlled by robots. They may even have flying cars.
Kaden Ward, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

What I think life will be like 100 years in the future for kids is I think they will not have schools anymore. They will have homeschooling. They already do but more people will be homeschooled. They will make new stuff, new social media that we don’t have now.
Kailee Gross, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor

I think it would be more work and not have any phones. It would be like the old days where there is work to be done and not to just sit at home and play with a phone. I would like if there was a lot of work to be done so these lazy people that are scared of a little bit of mud will work.
Kase Newman, 7th, Holston Valley Middle, Mrs. Taylor