My goal or resolution for the new year is a little different. I would like to make more people happy. Everyone has the right to wake up every day and feel good about themselves. There are too many men, women, children walking around feeling helpless. But to make them happy would be a goal that I finished.
Jesse Jennings, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My goal for the new year is to go to LA with my friends because a lot of our favorite movies stars live there and I want to meet Justin Bieber. I know I probably won’t but still it’s worth the try. But also I’ve been told it’s very beautiful up there so let me ask what are your goals or resolutions?
Brianna Miles, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My new year resolution is to try and pull my grades up. My grades have not been the greatest this year, and I’m hoping to turn that around.
Gavin Lamb, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My goals for this new year are beating dying light, dying light the following, making good grades, and I am going to try to be good in school.
Nick Davis, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My goal is to pass the 8th grade writing test. Some people say the writing test is medium-leveled, others say it’s easy. I think it would be hard to pass because of the multiple choice questions. This new year I will study hard to make sure I pass this writing test.
Willow Dorman, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My resolution for the new year is to work to killing a big buck next deer season. It takes months of preparation to kill a big deer. It takes bait setting up trail cameras to see where the deer are. It all factors into it. Let’s get a big buck next year.
Ethan Lamb, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

For my new year resolution I would like for my mother and I to get along like we used to. When I was little we got along but since I am older I guess it just makes it harder.
Kaley Shupe, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

One goal I want to achieve is that I want to lose some weight. I feel so fat! I just want to be skinny.
Sean Cope, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

For this New Year’s I’m going to watch the ball drop.
Jayson Woliver, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My resolution for the new year is to not overreact to events. I always get furious over things that aren’t much to fuss about. If I tripped, I would be extremely angry. I would like to change that, so I can shrug off anything the world throws at me.
Matthew Fleenor, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

This new year I want my goal is to be better at taking care of my blood sugar and keeping my blood sugar low. So that’s my new year goal.
J Smith, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My goal would be to watch the new Avengers 3 movie. It’s coming this year and I’m excited to see it. That will be my goal until next year.
Eyan Bradley, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

What my goals is for new year is to kill a deer next deer season and my next goal is to walk my dogs more and spend more time with my dogs.
Isabella Rowe, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My goals for the new year are to try my best in school and make good grades hopefully honor roll.
Gage Yates, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My resolution for the new year is that I want to lose weight. I feel so fat when I chow down on a McRib. I should probably get more athletic. If I don’t lose weight I just might be fat forever.
Matthew Rogers, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My goal is to have a great time with my family and friends. And to have fun with my dogs and cats.
Sarah Middleton, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My goal for the new year is helping at a local animal shelter. I could feed the animals and help someone find their perfect pet.
Jazmine Stone, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I would like to go hunting and get a big deer for my freezer so we will have food.
Shane Woodard, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

New year! I have so many goals and resolutions for the new year. One of them is to be kinder. I am going to try my hardest to be kinder to other pupils. To conclude I am going to try to be kinder to pupils.
Grayson Weiant, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I want to go to my mom’s friends, have fun and kill the big nine point deer at my house shoot some more guns. Have a good year. Fish too. I love to fish for my birthday I want a reel and rod, tackle supplies.
Riley Woodard, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

It is the time of year to make new goals. My new year’s resolution is to be kind. I feel as though the atmosphere is dark enough, I want to brighten it. I hope to make everyone’s year easier.
Adysen Gulley, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

To begin, there are many different goals all over the world for the new year. I have many different goals. My goals are; be a better person, be a better Christian, take more changes, and to be the best I can be.
Ashley Shoemaker, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My goals are to try to get better grades, not argue, and try to concentrate and focus on tests. My other goals are to do some sports like basketball, track, and cross country. Also try to be more athletic.
Jasmine C., 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

Well, let’s see my goals for the new year are becoming a better son for my mom and dad, talk more so I can make new friends, learn how.
Jacob King, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My resolution for this year is to get the PS4 Pro because it has all kinds of new things that the PS4 does not have like bigger storage. It also has better graphics for better game playing. It makes open world games beautiful.
Cayden Hatmaker, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

To begin, I have several goals for the new year! First, I would like to make myself a better person. Being a good person leads to advantages. You never when you may need them. After all, advantages are great to have!
Olivia Rutherford, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

New Year is amazing we get to see the ball drop we get to be with family and friends my family stays up all night. Watching movies on TV or listening to music on the radio. But I really don’t like New Year’s sometime I have.
Tiffany Murphy, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My goals/resolutions for the new year are to become a better follower of Christ, to become a better student, and to become a better person overall. I would love to become more like Christ. I would like to make better grades in school so I can get into a really good college.
Alex Marshall, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

This new year my goal is to become more social. I’m very shy and I want to work on that.
Stacey Pilon, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

At the beginning of a new year most people make a resolution to do better in the upcoming year. My resolution is to be a better person. I try to be nice to everyone no matter what is going on, but it’s really hard. Some people are hard to get along with. With this upcoming year I’m going to try to look over the people with bad attitudes, and I’m going to try to always have a smile on my face.
Nicole Fee, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My goal for next year is to do even better in school, and make new friends. The reason I want to make better grades is because I try but not hard enough. So I want to try my hardest next year. Make a lot of new friends.
Alex Hernandez, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

Usually everyone has a goal for the new year, but we all know that we will end up failing. Your resolution might be to lose weight or to be more organized, but this year mine is to be a better person. I am all around a good person, but we all have things we can work on. Like being nicer or helping others out. Being a better person is always a good thing to be and it will help you out in the long run.
Kamrin Bishop, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

We all need to work to be a better person. So that is why my goal for new year’s is to become a better daughter, sister, and student. I hope I can achieve my goal. I will work my hardest to do that.
Shelby Moore, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

Have you ever had goals to do something before the year is over? For instance one of mine is to fish somewhere new.
Isaiah Cook, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

Do you have any goals for the new year? Id o they are to get a computer and a table. I have been saving up money for a while to buy the table and computer.
Jeffery Hurd, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My goal for the year of 2018 overall is to become a better person. No one is perfect, so there is always something that can be improved about who you are. I want to find my flaws and try to make them better.
Tate Cox, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks