Shoemaker Elementary

If I won the lottery I would give some money to the homeless and people in the hospital. The reason I would give some money to the people in the hospital is because when they get out they can buy whatever they would like. The reason I would give money to the homeless is because I would like for them to have what I have: a house, a bed, food, drinks, and everything they would like. This is what I would do if I did win the lottery.
Kierstan Gilliam, 5th, Shoemaker Elementary, Ms. Garrett

If I won the lottery I would give most of it to charity, give some to my mom and dad, and then buy a Walmart. I would buy a Walmart so I could keep income coming in. I would give my mom and dad money because they have raised me and spent a lot of money on me. I would give to charity because some people have it hard and without these charities they would do without. This is all I would do if I won the lottery.
Nathaniel Gilliam, 5th, Shoemaker Elementary, Ms. Garrett

Nickelsville Elementary

If I won the lottery, I would give the poor half of my money. I would buy a house for the poor. I would buy toys to share. I would even give it to the church. I would save it for allowance.
Khylin Barber, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I won the lottery, I would give some to the church. I would get fifty goats. I would buy a barn. Then, I would buy a scholarship to Tennessee to play basketball and football.
Parker Robertson, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I won the lottery, I would buy a Lamborghini, Ferrari, and Lightsaber.
Rylan Edwards, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I won the lottery, I would give it to the church because they might not have money. I feel bad for them.
Danielle Brown, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I won the lottery, I would buy a house. I would give money to people who are homeless. I would give the church money.
Nehemiah West, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I won the lottery, I would give it to the church and hospitals.
Isabella Dingus, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I won the lottery, I would buy a Lamborghini. I would give some to my mom and dad. I would buy a gaming system and an Xbox.
Clay Broadwater, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I won the lottery, I would give it to the church, school, and the poor.
Natalie Culbertson, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I won the lottery, I would buy me something. Then, I will give the rest to churches in need.
Meadow McConnell, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I won the lottery, I would buy a Ferrari and a mansion. I would give the rest to doggy veterinarians.
Addison Counts, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

Miller Perry Elementary

If I won the lottery I would give the homeless money. Give mom and my stepdad gifts, give some to my sisters, and to my cat Cinnamon. He is 14 weeks old. He is so cute and my baby sisters are one and two. They are adorable too.
Annie Walker, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

If I ever won it big I could do tons of things with it. Here’s some things I’d do with my millions. First, I would donate to our school. Second, I would donate to my church. Lastly, I would donate to an animal shelter probably. Next, I would donate to friends or family that need money. Lastly, I would treat myself. Maybe I would buy some new clothes and put the rest in the bank. That’s how I would spend my millions. How would you?
Ashton Templeton, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

I would have $10,000,000,000,000 and this is what I would do with it. I would give some to my family. Then I would give some to charity and save some for collage and if anyone in my family needs some for collage too I will give some to them and then I will buy gives for my family and friends. I got one more thing I would buy food and give it to homeless. And that is what I would do how about you.
Bella Fergison, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

I would save some for college, for bills, and for things I need. I would also help my family and friends. I would give money to my church. And to charity. I would also travel the world!
Blake Frazier, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

I would by stuff for me and do stuff for other things. For me I would by a Lamborghini and a mansion. I love collecting football and basketball cards. I would buy all of those from Walmart. I would also give a lot of money to hospitals for cancer and stuff like that. I would by a house for the homeless people. This is what I would do if I won the lottery.
Bo Burdine, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

I would go to a charity and give them 10,000 dollars. Then I’ll keep the rest. First I’ll buy 2 sport cars then buy 2 million dollar mansion. I’d get a roller coaster in my back yard with a pool. For security ill buy 20 German Shepherds.
Cameron White, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

I would keep it in my wallet. Soon, when I see poor person, I give him a thousand dollars. I would buy a long-board first, though. The rest of the money would go to poor people. I hope that everybody does something good like that too.
Christian Lee, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

If you won the lottery what would you do with your prize? If I won the lottery I would do a lot of things. I would buy a mansion beside a lake. I would buy a nice car too. I would also donate money to charity. I would donate money to my school and church too. That’s what I would do if I won the lottery.
Connor Bennett, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

If I won the lottery I might give the pound $200 dollars. Or I might give charity $200 dollars. Or I might give a homeless guy a home. I would give a homeless guy a house.
Cooper Maness, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

If I win the lottery, I would make I change to a lot of people. The first thing I would do with the money is donate 1/3 of my money to charity for those that need help. The 2nd thing I would do with the money is give 1/3 of my money to homeless people for them to buy a house, food, and water. The last thing I would with the money is give it to my friends and family for them to buy useful stuff for them. That is what I will do if I won the lottery. What will you do if you won the lottery?
Danny Tran, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

Have you ever thought of what you would do if you won the lottery? I would give some to my family and friends like my sister who need a house. She lives in an apartment with her children. I also would give to animal shelters and homeless. There are many things you could do if you won and a lot could be good if you chose the right path.
Elyssa Rodefer, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

What I would do if I won the lottery. If I won I would donate some to charity. Second I would give it to my family. That is what I would do if I won the lottery
Fletcher Henritze, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

Just imagine you won a 4,000,000 dollar prize in the lottery! What would you do with that prize? I would give 2,000,000 to charity. Then I would take my family to travel around the world. That is what I would do if I won the lottery.
Gili Moratalla, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

What would you do with $500,000,000,000 after winning the lottery? There are four main things that I have dreamed of for years… here’s what I would do. First I would fly to England to meet Rupert Grint. Next I would donate to the homeless and provide them with food, water, clothes and other things that they might need. I would also donate to my school in order for them to get things they needed to teach their students, including me! Last I would give my whole family some money to pay off their taxes and water bills. That is what I would do with money if I won the lottery.
Gracie Stiltner, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

This is what I would do if I won the lottery. I would pay for college. That is what I would do if I won the lottery.
Grayson Ward, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

First, I would buy a Lamborghini and a mansion. Second, hire people to clean our ocean. Third, give 1,000,000 to my school and 10,000,000 to curing cancer. If you get a lot of money don’t just keep it for yourself.
Hayden Musick, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

I WON THE LOTTERY. First if I have enough money I will buy a mansion. Than donate some to charity. Than give some to the homeless. Than buy a Lamborghini. With almost all the rest of the money I will buy furniture for my mansion. With the rest of the money I will MAKE IT RAIN! If I won the lottery I would have everything planed out.
Jack Litton, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

If I won the lottery I would donate some to the poor. Then I would buy a house and then I would go buy a car for my later life.
Jaxon McLellan, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

If I was 30 years old and won the 900,000 millions of dollar lottery I would. I’d gave 1,000 to charity. Then I would buy five puppies and get them toys, food, beds, and lots of their stuff for them. For my teachers I would gave them 50 dollars and buy the biggest mansion. It would be great if I won, what if you did?
Julia Reeves, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

If I won the lottery it would be a dream come true. I would give some to my parents to pay taxes. They have done so much for me so they deserve it. Most of it will go to my church to send people on mission trips. The rest will go to my bank account for college. Now you know the wonderful things I would do if I won the lottery.
Kale Creech, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

Winning money is lucky. You can buy lots of stuff. Here’s what I would do. I would buy a mansion. Then I’ll get more money and then I’ll buy a Bugatti. That is what I would do if I won.
Lane Shaffer, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

If I ever won the lottery of 180 million dollars, I would scream like crazy! The other thing I would do instead of screaming, I would buy gifts for the people I love. I would buy my mom a new car because she’s been wanting a new car. I would buy my dad 5 big kayaks because he only has 2 right now and he wants more for the whole family. My sisters always claim that they don’t have enough makeup even though they do. I would buy them new makeup. If you won the lottery, who and what would you spend it on?
Lily Egbert, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

What would you do if you won the lottery? If I won the lottery and got millions of dollars I would give a lot of money to charity and homeless people. Some people don’t even realize how much they have and how little other people have. That’s why you are supposed to be thankful for what you have and I am. I would also like to go to Hawaii with my family and friends. I hope if you win the lottery you won’t be selfish?
Maddie Lester, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

If I won the lottery I would get homeless people houses and I would raise a charity and then give gifts to friends and family.
Nicolas Reed, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

What would I do if I won the lottery? That’s easy, I would try to be a hero, I could save people and save animals! I would give donations to those in need, like if there is a surgery, I would help pay for the cost. I would still get things for me, and maybe go to art school, since being an artist would be my dream! Winning the lottery is a great thing to happen to you, but don’t use it all on you. Be a hero and help others!
Olivia Fraley, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

Do you want to hear what I would want to do? Okay. It would just depend on how much money I got. But for now I will just say I got $20 million. I would give some to a hospital, get a huge house, buy a Lambo, maybe even a Tesla. That’s what I would buy if I won the lottery, what would you get?
Pazlee Roark, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

If I won the lottery, I would do a couple of things with my prize that might surprise you. Firstly, I would keep it in my savings for my bakery. I’ve got big ideas for it so of course I have to save at least some money for it. Secondly, I would go around Tennessee and help the less fortunate. I would also give some money for donations to charities. Thirdly, I would give money to my church. My church is a little small, so that would make a big difference. So there you have it. These are 3 things I would do with the money if I won the lottery.
Reese Hoover, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

Sometimes I wonder, “What would happen if I won the lottery?” well, I saw this as a perfect chance to express myself. If I won the lottery, I would do multiple things with the money. Let’s say I won 6 billion. I would first donate to charity. Then I would donate to a homeless shelter. Then I would buy a normal home. The last thing I would buy is a normal home. That is why I want to win the lottery—to give not take. I think it is better to give, not take.
Ryan Lick, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers

I won the lottery! Wait, what do I do with the money? I know, I’ll donate it! First let’s take a walk down the street, while we walk I’ll give money to homeless people! Now let’s go to my old school and give money to them! Almost done donating but we have a couple more stops the hospital and a couple of churches. I would only get myself two things a science lab and all the things I need in it. That is what I would do if I won the lottery.
Sarah Hilton, 4th, Miller Perry Elementary, Ms. Jeffers