If you could start any business what would it be? I would start a vet clinic because it would be fun. I would love to start a vet clinic because I want to save animals. Last, I would like to see a bunch of cute animals. This is the business I would start.
Emily Lane, 6th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could run any business, I would run a pet business. First, I would make ads, commercials, signs, and billboards to show what types of animals we have and show that they need a home. Next, I would set up a section for animals that are sick, needs dog sitting, and training. Finally, I would set up programs at schools to let kids play and pet some of the animals. This has always been my dream business.
Sevan Ford, 6th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If you could start your own business what would it be? Mine would be a sporting goods store. One reason is I have a huge love for different sports. I know so much about sort gear. Plus, I love helping people. Some sports are more than just a game to people. That’s why I would like to open a sporting goods store.
Domenic Collins, 6th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could start my own business it would be a shoe brand. One reason is because I like shoes. Next, I feel like I could make a lot of money. My last reason is that I might sign with a NBA player. That is why I would choose a shoe company.
Chase Bellamy, 6th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could start any business it would be a Rainbow Loom Craft Store.  I think it would be fun to own a business.  I like rainbow loom and crafts and I would like other people to enjoy it too.  Those are the reasons why I picked Rainbow Loom Craft Store as a business.
Kaylee Reedy, 6th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could start my own business, it would be a garage. I would start a garage business because I know a lot about cars. Plus, I love learning about them. I also like to see the different cars that people have. These are the reasons I would open a garage.
Jacob Taylor, 6th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could have any business, it would be an animating business. The reason I would want an animating business is because I love to draw. I have always liked drawing ever since I was little. It also helps me express myself. It would be very cool to see how I improved my drawings become over the years. That’s why I would want to have an animating business.
Grace Ketron, 6th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could own a business it would be a snow cone shack. I would want to own a snow shack because I love snow cones. Also, I would own one because I know someone that owns a snow shack and I want one too. Finally, I want one because I think it would make my community better on a hot day. Those are the reasons that I would own a snow shack.
Kevin Price, 6th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could start a business, it would be a cancer hospital. I could name it Bailey’s cancer hospital since that is my last name. It would help a lot of people by fundraising with road races, festival, and other activities. What also would be fun is letting cancer patients eat and participate in activities with their family. I’d like to start a cancer hospital because I could help a lot of people. That is what business I’d like to start in the future.
Bryson Bailey, 6th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could start any business, I would start a design company. I would like to design clothing and farm-style home decorations. I love to see clothing pieces coming together. Another great feeling would be to walk into a completed room after seeing it before it was decorated. There are so many design styles, but my personal favorite would have to be farm-style. Owning my own design company would make my life feel complete. I hope to pursue my dream of being a designer.
Abigail Tate, 6th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If you could start your own business what would you build? I would build an ice cream shop. I chose an ice cream shop because it’s my favorite dessert. Also, because it’s a great summer treat. It’s also great for a birthday party. Those are three reasons why I would own an ice cream shop.
Maggie Music, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could start a business, I would start a video game business. I would start a video game business because it would be really cool to make video games. I could even test the video games I make. Plus, I love video games. This is why I would choose a video game business.
Landon Broome, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could start my own business it would a safety coordinator business. One reason why I would be a safety coordinator is that I would get to instruct people by helping them to work safely and prevent injuries. Next, I would provide training or the proper P.P.E, or Proper Protective Equipment, so they could do their job safely and go home injury free. Finally, I could investigate injuries or big things that happen when people get hurt and see how that happened and what I could do to prevent that from happening again. This is why I would open a safety coordinator business.
Catelyn Bellamy, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could have a business, I would own a salon. I would own a salon because I like styling hair. My salon would be like a spa. I would offer massages and also paint nails. I hope you would like to come to my salon. This is the business I would open.
Ava Minnick, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could own any business, I know exactly what I would pick. I would like to own a music shop. I like to play music. Music has influenced me since I was a baby. I play the violin and it’s really fun! If I owed my own music shop, I would have a lot of instruments. One of the instruments I would like to have in my shop is a guitar. These are just a few reasons why I would like to own a music shop.
Lilly Miller, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If you could start a business, what would it be and why? If I could start a business, I would start a restaurant and call it Jimmy’s. One reason is I would sell hot dogs and call them Jimmy’s dogs. Second of all I would have hamburgers and call them sloppy Jimmy’s. Then I would make desserts called Jimmy cones. This is why I would open a restaurant.
Gabriel Morrison, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If you could have a business what would it be? Mine would probably be a restaurant called The Queen’s Cafe. I would serve coffee in the morning and salads, pie, and hot coco in the evening hours. The cafe would be open for six hours a day per day and have six girls and four boys working. That’s what I would have for a business.
Bethany Kendrick, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I started a business it would be an ice cream store. I would start an ice cream store so I could be cool on a hot day. I also would start an ice cream store so I could work with my friends and have fun. Lastly, the main reason is so I could make money to buy a new dirt bike. This is why I would start an ice cream business.
Elijah Barker, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could own my business, I would open a campsite with a fishing site nearby. I would also have a have a boat and fishing shop on the campsite. Plus I’d have a relaxing hammock site for campers to enjoy. Why would I do all that? Well, it gives people a chance to spend some time in the wonderful outdoors. These are the things I would do if I could open a business.
Ceauna McCloud, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

I would start a marine rescue. I want to start a marine rescue because I love animals that live underwater. Also, people just leave trash and fishing nets in the ocean. It is said that over 1.5 million marine creatures have been killed in one year. To sum all of that up, I hope all of us can help save all the creatures in the sea. My marine rescue business would be a great help to my animals.
Carys Bolling, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

I would start a business that sells football gear. The first reason is because I love football. Second reason is so I know kids are safe. The last reason is so I can make good money doing something I love. These are the reasons that I would start a football business.
Mason Hickman, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could start a business it would be a shoe business. The reason I would start a shoe business is because I love shoes! I also would start a shoe business because I know quite a lot about shoes. The last reason is shoes sell for a lot of money. Those are the reasons I would start a shoe business.
Elijah Hurd, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If you could start your own business, what would it be?  Mine would be to start an old-time restaurant. The reason I want to start this is because I think the old people really miss their food. I would cook green beans, mashed potatoes, and other kinds of food like that. I would have tables like the restaurant, Maggie’s, in the movie Heartland. This is why I would start an old time restaurant.
Courtney Falin, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I had my own business, I would open my own bakery. Ever since I was little, I have loved cooking. My grandmother told me everything I know. I’ve always had a knack for making up recipes. Last of all, I want my business to be something I like. This is why I want to own a bakery.
Brooke Stokes, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could start my own business, it would be a candy factory. It would have things from the past to present. I would name my candy factory the Sweet Shack. My favorite candy item in the store would be gummies. I love candy so much and I would love to own a candy store.
Abby Vermillion, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could start a business it would be a gaming business. The name would be A7 Games. I would make all kinds of different game types. Mostly, I would make racing games. That’s what I would name and do if I could start a business.
Morgan Haga, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If you could start your own business, what type would it be and why? If I could start my own business it would have to be a food restaurant. Around my hometown, we don’t have many restaurants, like LaCarreta or Handy Kitchen, and I feel we need another one. I also want one because when people are out on the go they usually want to stop and eat. This way, I know it will be a success. This is why I want a restaurant as a business.
Malachi Kern, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If I could start a business, I would start an agency that builds homes for the homeless. I want to start one because without homes it’s hard to survive the cold winters and hot summers. Lots of Americans have unfortunately died from cold weather. This is why I want to start an agency that builds homes.
Caden Banks, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins

If you could start your own business what would it be and why? My business would be a school. I always wanted a school. It would help kids. In conclusion this is what my business would be.
Jacob Hall, 5th, Yuma Elementary, Ms. Mullins