If I could start my own business it would most likely be an art classes business. Why is because that’s my favorite thing to do is art and some people in our nation, city, town who also like or love to draw, paint, and sketch.
Oasis Langley, 6th, Elydale Elementary, Mr. DiVirgilio

If I could start my own kind of business it would be a mall. I love to go to my local mall and look at all the shops. I also like to shop so I think a mall would be perfect for me. I could also give my family and teachers a discount and I think they would like that. I would love to own a mall!
Aybree Brandt, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start a business it would be a clothes store. I would like to start a business about clothes where I can sew pants and shirts of every kind, where they would be able to get some use out of them. Also, where they won’t get any rips in them if you slide down a hill or something, because it will have thick layers and they would be good for playing in the snow because they will keep you warm. I hope when I grow up I could work at a clothes store. What would you do if you could start a business?
Kayla Guy, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could have any I business of my own, I would choose a sewing pillows business. It would be called Pillows for Paws because I would donate half of my earnings to animal shelters. Donating money to animal shelters will help a lot, because the animal shelters will need lots of money to supply food and water to the animals. I can’t stand it when animals are hungry, thirsty or unhealthy in anyway. Another reason I want to open up Pillows for Paws is because I love sewing, especially pillows. I think this business will have a great effect on society. I hope I can start this business soon!
Tia Spivey, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start my own business, I would start a lab. I would start a lab to find cures to diseases (such as cancer, diabetes, and more). I would also study black holes to see how they’re formed. I would call my lab, Lolo’s Lab Inc. (because my nickname is Lolo).If you could start your own business what business would you create?
Logan Sanders, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I were able to start a business it would be in photography. I have wanted to be a photographer since I was able to talk. If I was old enough, I would create a website. If you wanted me to photograph you, you would be able to email me and give me a time, date, and place.
Kameryn Lee Faust, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start my own business it would be a mine for precious metals and minerals. I would call it Matthew’s mining company. The only thing we would mine is elements from the periodic table and their compounds. The gemstones we would cut and sell. If I could own business this is what it would be.
Matthew Hamilton, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start my own business, I would start a homemade candle business. I would start a candle business because my dad and I make homemade candles. My dad is also a beekeeper and we use his leftover beeswax and use it to make candles. Another reason I would start a homemade candle business is to spend more time with my dad. If I could start a business I would start a homemade candle business with my dad.
Olivia Smith, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start my own business I would start up a charity. What the charity would be about is giving children education who can’t afford it. We would give them supplies such as notebooks, pencils, binders, paper, and crayons. We would also build school buildings for them. We would teach them things like math, science, and English. One day I hope to open up my own charity!
Bella Reed, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

I would be a diesel mechanic. Because I love diesels I would like to open a shop way I can work on diesel motors and find old trucks the bring them back to live a drive them. This is what I’m going to do to do when I get older. What is your dream job and why.
Christian McKee, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could have any business it would be a fishing company. I would call it Garcia’s Poles. It would make Bass poles to Shark poles, Bluegill baits- shark baits. If I could have any business it would be fishing.
Leland Garcia, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start my own business, it would be a company that makes animal clothes. Have you ever thought about when you take your pet out into the snow how cold your pet must be? Probably not, because some people think fur keeps them warm. Yes that’s true but what about when it’s really cold? And what about when it’s really hot and the sun’s beating down on your pet? And what protects their feet? Well, my solution is ANIMAL CLOTHES!!! It would protect them from sun and cold and their feet would never get hurt. Animals should wear clothes!!
Miranda Collier, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start my own business it would be a fitness building. It would be called The Fitness Compartment. Down stairs on the main floor we would have the sporting good section where you can buy any type of sports equipment you need. And upstairs there will be almost every exercise machine you can think of! Once the business gets going we can add a couple things like a day care system where you can drop off your kids while you work out. We might also add a snack shake it will have healthy snacks like fruit and protein shakes. If I could have my own business it would be the fitness compartment. What about you?
Leah Gagliardi, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start my own business it would be a care business. I would make this business for people that have bad grades, and for mental people. I would help people study, so they don’t get held back. I will also help people with stuttering problems, and stuff like that. I would make a care business because that’s a good thing to do.
Mario Atkins, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start a business, I would want to be a knife smith. Which is basically a blacksmith that makes knives. Over the years, I have become a really BIG fan of the show “Forged in Fire” Which is a show where people compete to make knives. I love knives and that’s why!
Isaiah Ward, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start a business I would write kids’ books. I am writing a book right now and I know some tips to get me started. ALWAYS read the rejection letters from publishers. It may heart your feelings but, it tells u what they think is wrong with your book. Remember never give up you might become famous, who knows.
Kendra Jackson, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start my own business, it would be a dance studio. I have loved dance since I was two. I would teach people how to do hip-hop, tap, ballet, and all of the above. One of the main reason for starting a dance studio is so people have somewhere to go when they get out of school or wherever. What kind of business would start if you could?
Asia Marshall, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start my own business it would be a water company here are some reasons why. When I heard about Puerto Rico I knew they would lose everything and water was one of them. Did you know that you can live longer with food than you can water? Water gives you strength. That is why I would own a water company.
Dominic Bowey, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start a business it would be to make and sell cars. One reason is some cars can cost up to 2.5m dollars. But cars like that are Lamborghini’s and others. Luxury cars can cost a lot of money too. Muscle cars, Like the Dodge Charger/Challenger, are a lot too. My business would be making and selling cars. That will get you a lot of money. What would your business be and why?
David Doran, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could have any business, I would have a cupcake shop. I would call it Sweeties. I love to bake, especially cupcakes, I love them! What kind of business would you have?
Madeline Perry, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start my own business I would start a chemistry lab. Why I want to start a chemistry lab is because I like chemistry and science. Chemistry has caught a big interest in me, and that’s why I want to be a chemist. Chemistry makes people a lot of money and so when I grow up I can donate money to charities and take care of my family. This is why I want to start a chemist lab!
Luke Depriest, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start my own business it would be called Anna’s Sweet Shack. I would make gourmet deserts. The reason I would do this is because I have always had a sweet tooth. I can’t wait to see what happens!
Anna Shepard, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start my own business, it would be a vet service. The reason why is because I love animals. The reason why I would like to be a vet is because I love curing animals back to health. I love animals. Animals are my favorite!
Natalie Vicars, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start my own business, I would open a coffee shop. It would be a place where you could come to drink coffee and relax. You could stay as long as you wanted. If I could open my own business I would open a coffee shop. What business would you open?
Justine Elliott, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start my own business, I would sell books. I would sell books because I love to read. I would sell all kinds of books. I would also read all the books in the store! If you could own a business, what would you sell?
Maddie Norman, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start my own business it would be a power plant. I would have a power plant because they make a lot of money. Every year one power plant makes up to 10 mill every year. That is why I would have a power plant.
Brenton Sloan, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start a business I would start a business where I could give clean water to people in who need it. One reason I would start a water business is so nobody would die from contaminated water. Another reason is so people do not have to walk for miles for water. My final reason is so people would drink more purified water than sugary drinks. There is always a need for water and we should be there to stop it.
Logan Cassidy, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I could start any business, I would start a food and clothes business. First, I would have a food business for the people who don’t have food. I would get a lot of food to put in my store. If they need food, but can’t buy it, I would give them a can or two. Then I’ll ask them if they want a job at my store. The people who need clothes and food, but have some money, I would get a dressing room and let them try on clothes. If they like it, then I would let them buy it for ten dollars. If they had a little bit of money, I would let them get food and clothes if they really needed it. I would make it pretty big store. I would choose this business to help people in need. If you could have any business what would it be?
Zane Garcia, 5th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Webb

If I could start my own business I would choose to start a stunt bike school. I can teach people to do tricks and difficult obstacles. I think it would be cool to do that. And to go fast would be awesome to do, but you have to be careful to not get hurt. It would be fun to own a stunt bike school.
Haiden Maxwell, 5th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Webb

If I could start my own business, it would be a Halloween store. I would own a Halloween store because I could sell costumes, mask, and shirts. Halloween is my favorite because you get to go shopping for costumes and mask. I would love to own a Halloween store because of all the little kids coming to find costumes. I can’t want to open a Halloween store!
Devan Woods, 5th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Webb

If I could start my own business it would be a singing and dancing business. I would teach people how to dance and sing. I am a good singer and dancer. I love to dance and sing. It would be so much fun! We would dance to any Taylor Swift song and sing to any Taylor Swift song.
Rylie Blackwell, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I could start my own business it would be a bookstore. I like to read. My favorite book is “The Digging-est Dog” by Al Perkins.
Isabela Reina, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I could start my own business it would be a dog store. Everybody could buy puppies. I like puppies.
Braylon Kilgore, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I could start my own business it would be my own theater. People will want to come and see it. Plus it is the best. I picked it because it is lovely. I’m in 2nd grade. I love it so much.
Danica Ford, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I could start my own business it would be a cowboy theater. Cowboys are cool. I would hire Avery, Chloe, Brady, Rylie, and Danica.
Sebastian Burchfield, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I could start my own business it would be a candy store. I love candy. It’s almost Halloween! I love to give away candy because everybody loves candy. That’s nice and God loves nice people. I love chocolate, sweets, cake, cupcakes, and sugar.
Aubrey Langrel, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I could start my own business it would be an army store. Army men save our world. They die for us. We love them for that. We salute them for what they have done for us. Next, I would like to own my own Elvis Presley store. He is the king of rock and roll. He has side burns and girls. I like music and he loved it too. I want to be just like him. When I grow up I want to sing.
Eli McConnell, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I could start my own business it would be a tractor museum. I like tractors. I really have one open. It has a cafeteria and lots and lots and lots of tractors! Come and check it out. It was fun to put together. I also have some tractors for sale too!
Avery White, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I could start my own business it would be a tractor museum. I really do work at a tractor museum. My cousin and I created it. My cousin, Avery, has a lot of tractors there except we only have a few people yet but that is perfectly fine with me.
Chloe Davis, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I could start my own business it would be a tractor business. I like tractors. My name is Christopher and I am in 2nd Grade.
Christopher Cordle, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Gilmer

If I could start a business it would be called Working Place. It would be like the Eastman. I could be the boss of the whole place. It would be awesome. It would be the best place to work. Everybody would work on cranes. There are hard workers at the Eastman. The cranes will build a lot of stuff that is heavy and hard. These are the reasons I would open a business.
Hayden Rhoton, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

If I could start a business it would be a YouTube factory because I can make diamond play buttons. I could also make Jacksepticeye. I could sell these and have a big business. That is the business I would start.
Lyfe, McNew, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

If I could start a business it would be a dog store. I would call it Awesome Dogs. I would have golden retrievers, poodles, and labs. I would have dog toys and dog food. These are the reasons I would open a dog store. Dogs are awesome!
Cole Jones, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

If I could start a business it would be on laptops. I would make it so you can connect it to Bluetooth so you can play games that take internet when you travel. The brand would be called Hightec. If I got enough money, I would upgrade the brand to a computer. This is why my business would be laptops.
Max Taylor, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

If I could start a business it would be a food store. I would get a lot of people to come. I could get a lot of money. I could make a commercial to advertise my business. It would be fun! My food store would have the best food ever. If would have delicious chicken tenders. It would be open until midnight. It would help people get more food any time they wanted it. It would be very cool. I hope I make that business soon.
Cash Jones, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

If I could start a business, it would be making dirt bikes. I would make the engines in the U.S.A. I would get the parts from different countries. I would make the body and the tires in the U.S.A. I would start a business of dirt bikes because people would like it because they would not have to walk everywhere.
Seth Barbee, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

If I could start a business it would be making inventions. I have lots and lots of plans that I keep under my bed, but I leave them there. My dream has always been to invent things. I always get new ideas. I make blueprints out of paper and then stuff it under my bed. These are the reasons that if I could start a business it would be an invention business.
Connor Ratliff, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

If I could start a business it would be a restaurant. I would be the chef that bakes the food every day. The people that work for me will help me cook. I will take off sometimes and let the other people cook. It will be fun having my very own business to start.
Braylie Chaffin, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

If I could start a business it would be making skateboards. I bet it would be cool making skateboards. A fact about skateboards is that you can steer it. A cool part about a skateboard is you can do cool tricks on it. I would be great at making skateboards. The best part about making skateboards is you can make designs like emojis or anything you want. It would be fantastic!
Sawyer Barnette, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards

If I could start a business it would be a cupcake business. I would like to start a cupcake business. I could make a whole bunch of cupcakes. I wonder if I could make a cupcake dress. It would be hard, but it would also be a fun project. What if we could make clothes out of cupcakes? It would be super cool, awesome, amazing, and fun. I would love to start my own cupcake business. It would be so cool!
Cadence Scott, 2nd, Hilton Elementary, Mrs. Edwards