I am afraid of spiders. The way spiders crawl with their eight weird-looking legs is really creepy. Just imagine lying in a tub full of spiders. What would you do? I would start screaming for Mommy or Daddy. Well, I don’t think my mom would do anything because she is scared of them too. My dad would probably sit there and laugh at me. I would not like it at all.
Chelsea Ayers, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

What am I afraid of? I have a list but this is the most terrifying thing I can think of. Playing your iPhone in Mrs. Brooks’ class. She yells at you. You will jump ten feet in the air. She sometimes catches you off guard, that’s the worst. But other than that we have to do classwork. That’s really scary!
David Miles, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of the dark. Not just the dark but what’s in the dark. I’m not always afraid of the dark. It’s only when I’m being stupid and think I’m brave enough to watch scary videos. At least, they’re scary to me. I’m not sure if I’m the only one but while I’m watching a scary video I enjoy it, but as soon as I go to bed I’m terrified. I know they aren’t real but I don’t know why. I’m still afraid.
Willow Britton, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of bears. I would think many people are, but bears terrify me. I think bears are really aggressive and that’s why I’m afraid of them.
Justin Corbin, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of wind chimes. Every time I hear them I automatically think something bad is about to happen. I know it’s kind of weird, but I fear them and own it.
Emily Kirk, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of spiders and snakes. Some are deadly. They’re very weird and creepy. To me, spiders and snakes are very frightening, like a villain in a fairy tale. That is why I am afraid of spiders and snakes. They give me chills.
Chloe Willis, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

There are a lot of things to be afraid of. Even if it’s from clowns to spiders and all the creepy crawlies in this world. Some people are afraid of objects, some might be afraid of an emotion. I am afraid of heights. Just the thought of falling from so far just gives me chills!
Emma Fortner, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of talking in Mrs. Brooks’ class. She will put you out of her room. She is very scary.
Ethan Ziehler, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of some movies because when something scary is about to show, I don’t know it because I’m not watching.
Makayla Burgan, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of clowns. If I look at them, they look like a scary, evil, and mysterious psychopath. They are hideous inside and out.
Brooklyn Middleton, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of moths. Yes, my fear is irrational and no, I don’t think a moth is going to come eat me in my sleep. It all started a few years ago when I looked out my window and there was a huge moth with a pink stripe on its belly. I don’t know what the mark was or where it came from, but it triggered something in me and I’ve been terrified of them since then.
Mia Jerrell, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of Pennywise because, well…he’s just straight up freaky. I am also afraid of red balloons which go along with Pennywise. I’m afraid of any clown but there’s just something about that one. Ooh, it gives me the creeps.
Nicholas Kimberlin, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of clowns. Clowns scare me so bad because of that smile and they look psycho. I wasn’t afraid of clowns until that killer clown trend. Now I don’t even go outside at night because I’m so scared that one is going to get me. Also, I leave my curtains open at night because I’m scared I’ll see one outside my window. My parents think I’m crazy because I’m like that.
Emma Clontz, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of heights because you can get really hurt if you fall. I used to climb trees and then one day, I was really high up when I fell. I landed on a rock. I hurt my back. I had cuts and bruises all over me. I don’t know if it is the fear of falling again or getting hurt, but I hate heights.
Shirley Washburn, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of sharks because every time I go to the beach I feel like sharks will eat my feet.
Matthew Moore, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of spiders. They are so creepy. When I see them I go crazy.
Brynnen Pendergraft, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I’m afraid of snakes and spiders. They look like they could eat my face off. Spiders have 17 eyes. The sound snakes make reminds me of death.
Andrew Rutherford, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of the dark. It makes me think of all the horror movies I watched and the things in the movies that are hiding in the dark. The Nun is one of the movies I watched and it creeps me out that it could grab my throat, life me up in the air, and I couldn’t even see the nun because it would be invisible. The things that hide in the dark can be scary!
Blake Will, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I’m afraid of being alone in the woods. I’m afraid of being in the woods alone because I don’t have anyone to talk to or help me if I’m attacked. That’s another thing. I’m afraid I’ll get attached and then die, and I’m too young to die, so I am not going in the woods alone without a gun.
Taft Aldridge, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of clowns and anything paranormal. I love scary things, but I get spooked very easily. Clowns absolutely terrify me. That is something I do not like whatsoever. Paranormal things scare me, but not as bad as clowns. With paranormal things, I could get away faster that I could with a clown. So, I really prefer I don’t ever encounter either of these things.
Bella Rouse, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of losing the people close to me. I love my family and friends. I never want to lose them. Losing someone important would hurt. It feels like something filled you with happiness then, one day, it ends. As if a thunderstorm comes and it never ends. Sometimes we have to let the people we love go. They’ll always be here no matter what happens. Love can’t fade and I hope that the love I have given to them won’t fade.
Sierra Woodard, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of mannequins so I have a hard time going into JC Penney. They make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It started when I had a dream that a mannequin was chasing me through the sewer and ever since then I’ve been afraid of mannequins.
Collier Collins, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of spiders. I have always been afraid of them. I don’t like how they sometimes jump out at you when they’re in your shoes. When I was little I had a sandbox. One day, my dad cleaned it out and there were a bunch of spiders underneath it. That made me even more afraid of them. That is why I’m afraid of spiders.
Kaelyn Pendergraft, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of clowns. They are scary. Clowns freak me out. I am afraid they will kill me.
Dara Rogers, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of clowns. The creepy makeup, the big nose, and the outfit. It is all so creepy. I have seen too many scary movies to like clowns!
Evany Collins, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I’m afraid of being on a boat in the ocean. I’ve never been on a boat, but I don’t like it. I’m always scared something is going to happen. I’m scared that if I go on a boat that it will sink or flip or anything that could happen. I don’t even like to be around them.
Caydence Smith, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of snakes. They don’t have arms or legs and they are slimy and scaly. Their tongues are split in two and they shed the nasty old skin. They spit poison in you. They are truly gross.
Daniel Moore, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of being in a car accident. I have been in close calls before, but I have never actually been in one. I sometimes sit and think about what would happen if I was in a wreck. I hope I never get in a car accident.
Riley Harber, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of spiders. They are really ugly. Some of them are poisonous and some of them have nasty skin. They even climb up your walls and in your shower. Spiders are really nasty.
Charity Gibson, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of the deep ocean. Only five percent of the world’s oceans are explored. So, no one knows what could be down there. For all we know, there could be killer mermaids that can turn invisible. I’m not really scared of sharks. What’s unknown is interesting, but still very scary.
Payton Eldridge, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of big dogs because when I was younger, dogs used to jump on me and chase me. For the holidays, I always go to my aunt’s house. One of my cousins had a really big dog. He would always sit on me and I always felt like I was dying. He would jump on me and tackle me to the ground, and I would get up and run. I would usually stay inside on the couch, away from the door and the dog.
KK Belcher, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of snakes because they freak me out. When I was little I saw two snakes. One of them had no head and the other was really fat and looked like it was going to eat me. I started screaming and running for the house. When I got back to the house, I saw a snake scale and refused to go outside for the rest of the week.
Kate Blakemore, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of clowns because they are really creepy and they make me feel like I’m going to die. They have the big red noses and it’s so scary. It makes my head hurt just thinking about them!
Riley Brock, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of the unknown because I do not know what is there. It could be anything, even monsters.
Kendra Bledsoe, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am afraid of Pennywise the Clown from the film It. he looks so creepy with the makeup and the things he does in the movie.
Kaleb Hilton, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks