I am afraid of bears. Bears could eat me. They would chase me away. I am afraid of bears, because they are big. One thing I know for certain is that bears are mean.
Jordan Hass, Duffield Primary, 3rd, Ms. Hurd

I am scared of all sorts of bugs. I am really scared of creepy spiders. They all feel yucky. Ladybugs and stink bugs always fly in my hair. As you can clearly see, I hate bugs!
Deanna Holt, Duffield Primary, 3rd, Ms. Hurd

I am scared of butterflies. They have evil wings. Their skinny little legs feel weird on me, too. They also have scary antennas! As you can see, they are bad!
Jake Osborne, Duffield Primary, 3rd, Ms. Hurd

I am scared of spiders. Spiders are sometimes poisonous, and they’re creepy and crawly! They usually bite you when you’re not looking. Some are hairy and gross with too many eyes! As you clearly see, I’m scared of spiders.
Madison Rhoton, Duffield Primary, 3rd, Ms. Hurd

I am afraid of spiders. I am scared of when they bite. They look scary. I am scared to die. I hope next time you’ll stop to remember to kill the spiders.
Max Frazier, Duffield Primary, 3rd, Ms. Hurd

I am afraid of making bad grades. I’m afraid of making bad grades, because my dad will get onto me. I won’t get to go to college. I’ll have to do more homework. As you can clearly see, I’m scared of making bad grades.
Ezra Berry, Duffield Primary, 3rd, Ms. Hurd

I am scared of bears. I’m scared of bears, because when they look at you that are scary. Bears are big! I’m scared of bears especially, because they have sharp claws. I hope you’ll agree with me that bears are scary.
Courtney Bernhagen, Duffield Primary, 3rd, Ms. Hurd

I am afraid of spiders. I have been afraid of spiders my whole life. I don’t like them, because I think some bite. They are scary, because they crawl. I hope you’ll agree with me that spiders are scary.
Clo Biggs, Duffield Primary, 3rd, Ms. Hurd

I am afraid of heights. Every time I’m high above the ground, I freak out. I am sort of afraid if I’m looking off of a mountain. If I see and walk across a bridge, I’m afraid.
Eli Cooper, Duffield Primary, 3rd, Ms. Hurd

I am afraid of a spider. They have four eyes. I don’t like their eight legs either. Some of them are poisonous. I hope you agree that spiders are scary.
Will Darnell, Duffield Primary, 3rd, Ms. Hurd

I am afraid of spiders. Spiders are creepy especially if they’re poisonous. Their spider webs could be anywhere. A spider bite could send me to the hospital! Spiders crawl all around. Run!
Miles Dotson, Duffield Primary, 3rd, Ms. Hurd

I am afraid of large snakes. I’m afraid of those huge snakes that live in the rainforest, because they will eat you whole! They will squeeze you, and it will hurt you. If they bite you, the venom will go into your body. If large snakes bite you, you will die. Then you’ll have to say, “Bye,” to the world.
Gracie Stanley, Duffield Primary, 3rd, Ms. Hurd

I am really scared of spiders. The reason I’m scared of spiders is because when I was younger, I almost was bitten by two black widows. To this day, I still have arachnophobia. There are also a lot of big spiders around my house. I hope you understand why I’m scared of spiders.
Elijah Justice, Duffield Primary, 3rd, Ms. Hurd



I am afraid of bears. They have very sharp teeth!
Braydon Culbertson, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Ms. Gilmer

I am afraid of ghosts. They actually live in my house!
Khylin Barber, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Ms. Gilmer

I am afraid of nothing. I am a very brave person.
Parker Robertson, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Ms. Gilmer

I am afraid of a lot of things. I am scared of snakes, clowns, scorpions, and spiders.
Meadow McConnell, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Ms. Gilmer

I am afraid of nothing. I am a very brave person.
Avie McDavid, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Ms. Gilmer

I am afraid of a lot of things. I am scared of clowns, spiders, and earthquakes.
Rylan Edwards, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Ms. Gilmer

I am afraid of a lot of things. I am scared of roller coasters. I am scared to jump off a cliff. I am scared that a lion is going to jump out at me. I am scared to clamber up something.
Isabella Dingus, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Ms. Gilmer

I am afraid of a lot of things. I am scared of wolves, bees, bears, slimy stuff, chickens, mice, rats, bad magic, and ghosts!
Natalie Culbertson, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Ms. Gilmer

I am afraid of riding a ship. I am scared of them because they might sink.
Isaac Dockery, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Ms. Gilmer

I am afraid of a lot of things. I am scared of tarantulas, ghosts, clowns, and zombies.
Addison Counts, 2nd, Nickelsville Elementary, Ms. Gilmer

I am afraid of a megalodon shark. I am afraid of megalodon sharks because they are the biggest shark ever existed. They existed almost two point six million years ago. I think? Megelodon sharks are really scary because they can eat you whole! They became extinct over their lack of prey. They were as long as sixty meters long, and they also had a bite more powerful than a t-rex.
Alyssa Summey, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch

I am afraid of clowns, snakes, fire, high up places/airplanes, and murders. However, I have never been afraid of snakes. I always liked seeing black snake skins on the floor because it means they have been eating and shedding.
Charlie Summey, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch

I am afraid of being in the dark alone because scary things can happen. I do not like being alone in the darkness.
Chloe Erskine, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch

I am afraid of snakes because there creepy and crawly. When they hide and you can’t see them or you don’t know when they are going to come out either.
Emily Sykes, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch

I am afraid of the future. We won’t know what’s happening in the future it’s scary. Knowing that we have no idea what’s going to happen it’s scary as well. We also get older and older time goes by faster when you’re older when your little time goes by slow then when your older time goes by really fast. That’s why I’m afraid of the future and probably always will be.
Isabelle Rose, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch

I am afraid of snakes. They are scaly and scary with their fangs. They can poison you and rip stuff. To fight their prey they poison them or wrap around them to strangle their prey.
Jordan Barnett, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch

I am afraid of snakes because they are really scary. I don’t have a phobia of them but they just give me the creeps. To me they are creepy and they scare me a lot. There was a time were my mom and I lived in this one house, and we would see a lot of snakes there. One day we saw a snake and good thing my papaw was over at our neighbor’s he came to our house and he killed the snake. That was scary and one reason i don’t like snakes.
Karlee Dean, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch

I am afraid of snakes. The reason I am afraid of snakes is because snakes might be poisonous and bite you. They can make you die.
Keiren Jose Felix, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch

I am afraid of spiders because they look scary and their eyes look scary, and they have eight legs which creep me out. I am also afraid of bears because they will attack you and make you bleed in the woods where they attacked you and make you bleed. I am also scared of the thought of my house falling or someone breaking in my house.
Kelsey Huff, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch

I am afraid of being alone in the dark. I don’t like poison spiders or any spiders. I am also afraid of snakes, bears and being alone in a creek. I am also afraid of things that are slimy like lizards and other slimy things like crocodiles. I am also afraid of sharks, polar bears, black bears, and grizzly bears. I am scared of a lot of things but when I have all my friends I feel brave.
Lindsay Dean, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch

I am afraid of being in a pitch dark place because you can’t see anything and you don’t really know where your surroundings.
Madison Person, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch

I am afraid of sharks. Sharks scare me because they will bite you and can kill you. When I went to the beach I caught a baby shark and I did not like it. When we went swimming there was a shark in the water and it was a big great white shark. Every time we go the beach I never get in the water unless the flag is green. I went on a boat ride once and there were 4 sharks in water.
Mia Hale, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch

I am afraid of snakes because sometimes they can be poisonous and I just don’t trust something that is slimy. Not only that but they can also squeeze you to death, if that’s not scary I don’t know what is!
Miley Taylor, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch

I am afraid of clowns with guns. I am afraid of clowns because I would not like to get shot. They would scare me because they are scary. If I got attacked my family would too. I would hate to get shot.
Peyton Broadwater, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch

I am afraid of spiders because I have seen that there is a really venomous spider. I am also afraid of demons because they can haunt you for the rest of your life.
Riley Bingham, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch

I am afraid of nothing. You think that I am joking but I watched every scary movie and video on Netflix and YouTube so I am not scared of anything.
Sean Epperson, 5th, Nickelsville Elementary, Mrs. Finch