I’m good at working on cars. Both my father and I grew up working and playing with cars. No two cars are the same so I learn something new each time. There are two ways working on a car can go, smooth and easy or bumpy and hard. But the person I am makes it easy for me to work on and with cars.
Jesse Jennings, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am very good at expressing myself! Many people are shy or worry about people judging them, but I speak my mind! I don’t care what people think and life’s too short to be shy.
Gavin Lamb, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The one thing I’m great at is this game called Fortnite. This game is fun so I spent a lot of time on this game. After a while, I got good at it so I win ten to twenty times a day. I really love the skins, gliders, and the building in the game.
Nick Davis, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am good at driving and helping my papaw with the farm. Of course I don’t drive on the highway, but I drive on the back road. I love driving and taking great care of the farm. One thing I’m not good at is cleaning my room. So, if you come to my house, you just might see me driving or see me taking care of the farm. I work really hard outside on the farm picking up trash, feeding the cows, dogs, and cats. So come see me work!
Jasmine Crawford, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I am a good dancer. I do take dance classes. It helps me be a better dancer. I have a big dance class. I absolutely love dance.
Alex Marshall, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

One thing I am good at is basketball. I really started getting serious about it just until now. I am probably about your average player. I can make shots and make layups. I am nothing amazing or bad. Basketball is the one thing I’m good at doing.
Keaton McDonald, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

Do you have something you are good at? I do! I’m good at helping people. Helping people is fun to me. You can help someone clean their house or you can pick up the trash out of their yard. Either way, they’re both exciting!
Olivia Rutherford, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I’m good at playing the flute. The flute can be very complicated, but it’s fun.
Stacey Pilon, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks