My favorite school subject is keyboarding because I like computers and my teacher allows the class to play games when we get done with our work. Also, she lets us listen to music while we do our work.
Logan Fleenor, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

Gym is my favorite subject in school because I can talk to my friends and not have to worry about anything. Gym is a place I can get away and clear my mind while I am playing a game. Gym can be relaxing, fun, and exciting. That’s why gym is my favorite subject.
Kaitlyn Bear, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite subject is keyboarding. Keyboarding is easy and fun and we get free time when we finish our lesson. I love my keyboarding teacher Mrs. Whitt. She is kind to all of her students.
Gavin Lamb, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite school subject is chorus. Chorus is my favorite subject because I like to sing. Singing opens the expressions inside you. It lets you feel how the singer felt when he or she wrote the song. Music is life because without it we wouldn’t know the famous people we do now and it sometimes calms people. This is why chorus is my favorite subject.
Willow Dorman, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The reason that keyboarding is my favorite subject is because it is fun, you get to listen to music while you’re working, and after you get done with your work you get free time.
Nick Davis, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite subject in school is history because you can learn when, why, and how thing happened in the past. Also you can learn about ancient objects, cities, towns, countries, and places.
Nathan Ridings, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I would have to say that gym is my favorite class. In gym class you’re not stuck in a chair. You can move around. You can be loud, crazy but not too crazy. You can also talk to your friends and play around with them. With all the running around you do in gym it keeps you in shape. This is why I like gym.
Jesse Jennings, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite class is chorus class because I get to sing and do what I love to do, and I get to hang out with all my friends. I get to see my favorite teacher so you can really tell my favorite class is chorus class.
Brianna Miles, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

Keyboarding is my favorite school subject because I can relax and have fun in the classroom.
Lindsey Eldridge, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite subject is reading because we learn awesome things. We have a great teacher. We do many essays that are interesting and fun.
Skyler Webb, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I don’t really like school but in one way I love it. I think it might be because of my favorite subject, which is gym. Gym is my favorite subject because you can run around, you can’t do that in other classes. What I also like about gym is that I can get all my extra energy out so that I won’t by hyper in my other classes and I can pay attention.
Shawna Hurd, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

Gym is my favorite subject because you can have fun. You get to play games and exercise together. Doesn’t that sound fun!? Gym lets students take a break from learning. Students can relax and not worry about a pop quiz.
Olivia Rutherford, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

School is full of many dreadful subjects, but there’s always at least one that makes everything better. For me that subject is art. I feel like I can express myself in art. It helps me cope with anything bothering me. I can use color and lines to express how I’m feeling. Art is my anchor. I hope everyone has a subject that makes them feel how art makes me feel.
Adysen Gulley, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite subject is band because I love music and band is easy to me. I play a tenor sax. Some of the notes are easy to me. Some are hard to me. But I keep playing. I would like to try some new instruments but I like the one I have now.
Tiffany Murphy, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite subject is gym. I like it because we don’t have to sit in class and work. We get to run and have fun. There is also some cool moments that can happen while in gym, like, playing doctor dodgeball and someone checks the ball and hits the doctor or kicking the ball far in kickball. That is why I like gym as my favorite subject.
Keaton McDonald, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

Math is my favorite subject because it sometimes challenges you to the extreme. Sometimes it is super easy but, it can also be super hard. Math can be tricky. Which will make you think harder which is good for you. Overall I just love math and my math teacher which makes it even better.
Alex Marshall, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

Out of all the “wonderful” subjects in my school my absolute favorite would have to be art. My favorite subject is art because you can be yourself in your work, relax, and make your work beautiful! To begin, there many reasons why I love this wonderful subject. In art you can be yourself in your work by expressing your emotions and not have to worry about being wrong.
Ashley Shoemaker, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I love band, it’s a good learning experience. Band is good for lung capacity and mental skill except if you are in percussion. Percussion gets to count out loud and just do rhythm. The rest of us have to think if we are going to articulate, say do, and ta. That’s not all. We also have to count continuously until the end of the piece.
Avery Lawson, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite school subject is gym because we get to run and play and do exercises that keep our bodies healthy. We all get to play fun games in gym like kickball, baseball, and ultimate catch. My favorite is ultimate catch because we get to throw the ball across the gym and catch it and we can’t move we have to throw it to another player and if we get it in the goal we get a point.
Jasmine, DiPietro, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite subject in school is band. I love to play the flute and hear all the other instruments around me. Band also challenges me because of the fast movement and I love a challenge. It also helps my memory by memorizing all the different notes, time signatures, beats, and rhythms.
Stacey Pilon, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite school subject is gym. We get to play and hang with our friends. It’s a very good way to stay active and have fun. We’re always doing something fun.
Amber Sweeney, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite school subject would be keyboarding because I’m a technology person. Since this class is about typing, I felt like a shoe-in.
Matthew Fleenor, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite thing is Ag. The reason I like Ag so much is because we get to do fun stuff.
Shane Woodard, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite school subject is keyboarding because I can learn to type fast and listen to my music while doing my work. Plus my teacher is the best and I’m grateful to be taking keyboarding.
Jazmine Stone, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

Bam! Keys being typed. My favorite school subject is keyboarding. Why, you ask? Well it’s relaxing, soothing. To conclude, keyboarding is relaxing and soothing. That’s why it’s my favorite subject in school.
Grayson, Weiant, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite subject is art because you can paint. I like to paint pictures, string art, and drawing. The teacher shows us how to draw. She once drew a cow. That is my favorite subject.
Riley Woodard, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite school subject is P.E. because you can exercise each day, and lift weights. It will help you get in shape. The best of all is the games we play.
Matthew Rogers, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite subject is keyboarding, because Mrs. Whitt is very kind.
Sean Paul Cope, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite school subject is art because we get to do spray paint, posters, abstract art, and we get to draw pets.
Sarah Middleton, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

Keyboarding is my favorite subject because it’s lots of fun and it’s easier than writing and when you get done free time which is great.
Gage Yates, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite subject in school is art because I love the colors and it shows emotions. Art is a part of me. Art calms me down. In my art I use things from past old memories.
Isabella Rowe, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

Do you have a favorite subject in school? Well most kids would hate every school subject but you can even choose an elective like chorus, art, or Spanish. My favorite is chorus because you can sing with other students. Though most of the time you can’t sing at the top of your lungs. It’s always fun to sing in harmony with your friends.
Kaley Shupe, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite subject is FFA. FFA teaches you the history of FFA and NFA.
Jazmyn Smith, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite school subject is math because you get to learn percentages, decimals, fractions, and exponents.
Jayson Woliver, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My favorite school subject is agriculture. The reason why I like Ag is because we get to learn more about animals. We also learn about the tree bark and what kind they are. Most of us like Ag. It’s pretty cool.
Justin Lawson, 8th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks