The last kind thing I did was over the weekend. I was talking to my dad, then my older brother was talking about his car. My brother said that it was so dirty and nasty that he didn’t want to even touch it. So while my dad took him to work, I cleaned his car inside and outside. It wasn’t easy, but my brother was really happy about it. I was just happy that I made his bad day into something great!
Sierra Woodard, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was pay for a family’s groceries at Walmart. It was nothing big, but just something to make my mom and I feel proud!
Jessie Barton, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was compliment my mom on her outfit this morning. I could tell it made her day so much better before it even began. It’s little things like that, that would make this world a better place.
Ethan Gordon, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was the other day. I went to my aunt’s house and babysat for her. She is going back to school and she had a lot of homework, so I went and babysat.
Evany Collins, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did for someone was hold the door open for someone. I was at Walmart with my mom getting groceries. When we were leaving I held the door open for someone and he said, “Thank you.”
Blake Will, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was get a lady’s buggy for her after she loaded her car. She was probably around her sixties or eighties. She had an old car. She was in good condition for her age, but I still helped. I like helping people; it makes me feel good.
Riley Harber, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was do the laundry. I usually do the laundry when my mom’s at work so she doesn’t have to do it when she gets home. I enjoy doing laundry because your hands don’t get nasty like when you do the dishes. That is the last kind thing I did.
Kaelyn Pendergraft, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last thing I did was help a lady carry her sandwich while she carried her little baby. We were at the little Amish place getting lunch. I really wasn’t paying much attention, but Mom nudged and told me to help her. I really didn’t want to but I knew I didn’t have much of a choice. When I helped her I felt good. Now every time I see someone needs help, I help them.
Taft Aldridge, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was feed my nephew when he was at my house last night. My sister looked pretty tired, so I offered to do it. By the end of the night, he ate a whole jar of apple sauce.
Payton Eldridge, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was when my friend dropped her books, I picked them up for her.
Dara Rogers, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was help my neighbor by putting up her food. I help her almost every day. I just love being there for her.
Kendra Bledsoe, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was help a little girl untangle her kite out of a tree. It was a good morning and I was walking when I saw the little girl struggling to get her kite out of a tree. I climbed the tree and untangled it for her. She thanked me for it. It made me feel very happy.
Daniel Moore, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I made my cousin’s bed for him because he forgot to before he went to his friend’s house. I wanted to save him from getting in trouble.
Caydence Smith, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was help an autistic person. Two of my friends and I sang to her to calm her down. I could tell she liked popcorn so I gave her my popcorn ball. She was really happy, so that made me happy.
Emily Nuxoll, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

My sister and I did something fun for our dad. We got a cake for him and we got him new shoes. The next day my dad was so happy and my sister and I were happy too!
Dylan Middleton, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was help an elderly woman carry her shopping bags to her car. I also helped change a car tire for a man and his wife who ran over a bolt. I got $20 for helping change the tire, but I told them I could not take that. I’m not the best person, but I have some kindness in my heart.
Collier Collins, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was help a woman carry her groceries to the car. She tried to give me money for doing it, but I wouldn’t take it because that is just respectfully helping someone. Helping elderly people is my favorite because they are so sweet and kind. They are special to a lot of people.
Charity Gibson, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was teach my friend how to ride a dirt bike without wrecking over and over. It took a long time but I still did it! Then we rode dirt bikes all day long!
Riley Brock, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was help my friend with her math. My sister had a meeting and I had to go with her. Emma was there too. My sister said we had to do our homework, so we did our math. I had finished it, but she was having trouble. I did it with her and she got it done.
KK Belcher, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was take care of my little cousins. I had to take care of a one year old, a four year old, and a five year old. It was a lot of work, but I did it. Their moms were very happy with me.
Kate Blakemore, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was help set up my mom’s phone because she had a virus on it and I was able to get it off.
Kaleb Hilton, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was make dinner for my mother and my father last night. I made beef and noodle and mashed potatoes. My mother was thankful I made dinner for her because she didn’t want to!!
Hailey Parsons, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was I held the door open for some people I didn’t know going into Pizza Hut.
Katelyn Stafford, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was open the car door for my sister. I did this to be like a gentleman and be kind. I try to be kind to my sister even though we annoy each other like brothers and sisters do.
J D Odle, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was hold the door for my dad last Sunday night at church. I held the door for my dad when we came in. We were surprisingly on time that night, too.
Tanner Epperly, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

If someone drops something, I help them out. If someone needs help getting in to a car, I help. Go out and help someone. Be nice.
Matthew Baldwin, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was help someone pick up paper. They dropped their things in the hallway and I picked them up. Also, when I did that it helped them not be late for class. That is the last kind thing I did for someone.
Hayden Hobbs, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I was at IGA after school getting something to drink. Then we went to checkout and this older lady dropped all her money. I picked it up for her because she was not able to. That was the last kind thing I did. There’s more to come!
Lynsey Blair, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was open the door for a woman with a walker. She seemed awfully grateful, even going so far as to offer me a candy bar. I turned down the offer and told her to spend her money on herself. She later explained to me that not many people had gotten out of line to help her. As I left she said, “Thank you!” and waved.
Reece Cook, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was help my grandma go shopping. We went to Sam’s Club and she got many heavy items that I had to put in the buggy and push. After we checked out, I went and loaded the car for her.
Raven Burgan, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was hold the door for an elderly woman and man. I also helped a woman who dropped her money.
Maddox Hounshell, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last thing I did was get someone’s cat down from a tree. The cat got stuck in a tree and I climbed up the branches and got it down. They did not have to go to the trouble of calling the fire department.
Madison McElyea, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was open the door for someone. My family and I went to the mall in Kingsport. We went in JC Penney and I opened the door for him. He said thank you. There was another door and he opened it for me in return.
Aidan Byington, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The last kind thing I did was when I was at a basketball game sitting on the bleachers and an elderly man was standing and leaning on the wall. I got up and gave him my seat.
Jakob Crowder, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks