Surgoinsville Middle

I think that 3D printing is the best invention in the world. With 3D printing, as a veterinarian, you can print a turtle shell if it gets hit by a car, and if a dog broke a bone very severely, they can remove the bone and replace it. It is frequently used and impacts the world a lot. 3D printing is very important to me and vet practices.
Ava Collier, 8th, Surgoinsville Middle, Mrs. Sauceman

The best invention ever made is a car. I think this because cars are significant to daily life. People frequently use them almost every day. For example, you may use them when you are taking a trip to the beach. Without cars it would most likely take a while to travel. This has made transportation much easier. It has made it easier to export goods. All in all, cars have impacted transportation, and that is why I think they are the best invention ever made.
Brennan Greene, 8th, Surgoinsville Middle, Mrs. Sauceman

I think the best inventions ever created are paint and paint brushes. When it’s been a long day, painting makes me happy. It is usually peculiar for me not to paint at least once a week. Also, when there’s nothing to do at home or when I am bored I like to paint. Paint was invented in 1866. Without, paint brushes we couldn’t paint, we would just have to use our fingers or hands. Sometimes I think I’m a good painter when I try. Plus, painting is something people do to make money. It’s their business. I paint frequently, which is very fun because it is messy but is easy to clean up. That is why I think paint and paint brushes are the best inventions ever created.
Katie Cross, 8th, Surgoinsville Middle, Mrs. Sauceman

In my personal opinion, the best invention ever is music. Music allows you to do many things. If you have ever been anxious to express your feelings or a thought you just don’t know how to say, put it in a song. Many people do this if they are going through something in their life such as a sad time or a happy time. Many musicians express their emotions in music. Musicians will write about a family member or a loved one they care about and put it in a song. So if you have something you need to get off of your chest then put it in a song. That is why, in my opinion, music is the best invention.
Kevin McCurry, 8th, Surgoinsville Middle, Mrs. Sauceman

Jonesville Middle

I think the best invention ever created is an Xbox because you can play all kinds of fun games. An Xbox is a gaming system. I like to play Fortnite and many other games.
Aidan Byington, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is a car. It’s nice to have because it helps you from having to walk everywhere. If you don’t have a car you’ll be pretty tired. The people who do have cars can get to places faster and they can be more comfortable.
Allison Standifer, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is the car because it is fast. Cars have helped us in many ways. They are really great.
Alyssa Lewis, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is Netflix because I can watch movies.
Andrew Rutherford, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is phones because they are very beneficial. If I need to get any information quick, a cell phone is handy. They are also entertaining. I can use them for information and they are quite entertaining.
Bella Rouse, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is school because you need to learn in order to follow your dreams.
Brooklyn Middleton, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is cell phones because you can call someone on them when you are in trouble.
Brynnen Pendergraft, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is pizza because it is fun to make and delicious.
Carrie Wilder, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is clothes because they cover your body instead of wearing no clothing at all.
Caydence Smith, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is cell phones because now all we have to do is go online and do your shopping and many more things on the phones. We don’t have to write notes now.
Charity Gibson, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is the car because it can get you places in an acceptable amount of time and it’s very convenient.
Chloe Willis, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is football because it’s fun, people enjoy watching it, and it’s known all across the world.
Clayton Moore, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is the light bulb. It changed the world as we know it.
Collier Collins, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is the atomic bomb because if we never invented this we could not have won the war against Japan.
Colten Freeman, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is electricity. If it was not for electricity, nothing would work. Without electricity, what would power up lights? There would be no light. We would be falling and crashing into objects and getting hurt. We need electricity so it never happens and we don’t get hurt.
Daniel Moore, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is phones because I can stay in touch with my family and friends.
Dara Rogers, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is the microwave because you can make food without burning yourself.
David Miles, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is electricity because Benjamin Franklin was a hero.
Elijah Ritchie, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention is electricity because without it we wouldn’t have most of our electronics we do today.
Emily Kirk, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is a curling iron because women need a way to fix their hair in the mornings.
Emily Nuxoll, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is cell phones because if you need help you can text or call someone.
Emma Clontz, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is the cell phone because if we didn’t have it we wouldn’t be able to interact with one another as much as we do and that’s pretty important to me.
Emma Fortner, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is a phone. You can do so many things like call, text, play games, and search the web. They are very useful to me and I use one every day.
Ethan Gordon, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is video games because they are time consuming and fun.
Ethan Ziehler, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is prosthetics because if they didn’t exist, people would have to walk with crutches or even use a wheelchair.
Evan Long, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is a phone because I like to call my friends and talk to them when I cannot talk to them face to face.
Evany Collins, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is clothing because it would be awkward for males and females. I know it would be for me!
Hailey Parsons, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is a gun because you can go harvest food with it.
Hunter Collins, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is cars because without them we would be riding a horse everywhere.
Jace Cochran, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is vehicles because if someone is injured they can be taken to the hospital faster.
Jace Corbin, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is vehicles because they help you travel larger distances in a smaller amount of time.
Jakob Crowder, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is electricity because it gives us light to see and it keeps us warm.
Jayden McNiel, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is electricity because a lot of good electronics, gadgets, and everyday items require electricity.
JD Odle, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is cell phones because they help us in so many ways. One way communication helps us if you’re in trouble you can get out your handy cell phones and call the trusty police.
Jessie Barton, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is chicken because you can put it with everything you eat and it’s good. One of my favorite foods with chicken is gravy. Grave and chicken were meant to be together. Chicken has a really good taste.
Julie Woodard, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is electricity because it provides everyone’s homes with light, heat, television, and much more.
Justin Corbin, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

The vest invention ever created, in my opinion, is electricity. In today’s world, it is essential to go from day to day. Electricity powers things such as computers, tablets, phones, and way more items.
Justine Elliott, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is electricity because it has made our lives a lot easier. It has made it easier to cook and clean! Now when you go to the doctor they can run tests on you to find out what’s wrong. Electricity has definitely changed our lives in so many wonderful ways!
Kaelyn Pendergraft, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is candy because it is awesome.
Kaitlynne Bloomer, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is the motor vehicle because it has improved technology in many forms.
Kaleb Hilton, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created was electricity because without it we would not be able to cook or use the internet.
Kate Blakemore, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is pizza because you can put different types of toppings on it and it’s very delicious.
Katelyn Stafford, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is a phone because you can do so much with it. It’s a great way to communicate with your friends and family. You won’t have to wait forever for a reply from them. You also have more things to do when you’re bored. You can get on coloring apps, reading apps, and more.
KK Belcher, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is electricity because you would not be able to see sometimes! That’s the most needed, too!
Lynsey Blair, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks

I think the best invention ever created is the game called “Call of Duty” because it’s a really fun video game.
Maddox Hounshell, 7th, Jonesville Middle, Mrs. Brooks