What are some ways I can make a new student feel welcome? One way is to be kind to them. Another is being their friend and being on my best behavior. Last I could help them with their troubles. These are some ways I can make a new student feel welcome!
Luke DePriest, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

I love having new students at school. There are a few ways to welcome them. First, I would ask if they would like to sit with me in class. Second, I would sit and talk to them at lunch. Last, I would play with them at recess. It is so fun having new students!
Maddie Norman, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

A few ways to make a new student feel welcome at your school is to sit with them at lunch and be a good friend to them. Make them feel welcome. It’s always good to be nice. You should always be good to everyone.
Madeline Perry, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

These are some ways I would welcome a new student. If I was playing basketball, I would pick him first. I would ask him his name, and then I’ll tell him mine. If he wanted me to play with him, I probably would play with him. This is how I would treat a new kid.
Mario Atkins, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

There are so many ways I would welcome a new student. I would welcome a new student by being their friend. I would also welcome them by helping them with their problems. You could also welcome them by hanging out with them. This is how I would welcome a new student, how would you?
Matthew Hamilton, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If you have a new student you should be nice to them and make the student feel welcome. You should probably should show the student around the school too. Help the student learn all of the students’ and teachers’ names. I remember when I was a new student. I would like to be treated that way. What would do if you got a new student?
Miranda Collier, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

I could do many things in helping welcome a new student. I would sit with them at lunch so they wouldn’t be lonely. I would also show them around school. Most importantly, I would be their friend and be there for them. Moving to a new school could be really scary, so I would do what I could to help a new student.
Naomi Castle, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If I was welcoming a new student to our class, I would show them around. The reason why is because they don’t know where everything is. Then I would try to make friends with them. Last, I would welcome them again. I really hope we get a new student!
Natalie Vicars, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

What are some ways to welcome a new student at your school? One way is to be kind to them. They are probably really nervous about being at a new school. You can also ask them to sit with you at lunch or you can even ask them to play a game with you. Another way you can be kind to them is you can show them around the school so they know where everything is or you can take them to meet your friends. These are some ways you can make a new student feel welcome at a new school.
Olivia Smith, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

One way to welcome a new student to your school is to help them make friends. Some people are shy and don’t really want to go talk to people. I think helping them make friends is a good way to welcome them,
Phroncie Price, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

If there was a new student at school I would show them around, get to know them more, and try to be their friend. Maybe if we are in the middle of the year, I could catch them up with stuff we went over already, and give them notes for the SOL at the end of the year. I would love to do those things to be helpful, kind, and maybe a great role model. What would you do, if there was a new student at school?
Samantha Lane, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders

For starters, you obviously need to introduce yourself (if they know you they are liable to feel more comfortable.) Also try to get to know them. Finally play with, and include them to make them feel more comfortable. I was the new kid at my school this year, and whenever people did these things I felt really comfortable. Now most of those people are my best friends, and I feel like I’ve been here all of my life. I want the next new kid to feel the same way I did, because now I’m really happy and life is good. These are ways I would welcome a new student. How about you?
Samuel Ward, 6th, Weber City Elementary, Mrs. Sanders